21 Reviews liked by Nathboi

I wasn't expecting much out of an April Fool's game but this one was charming. Makes me want another Sonic visual novel. It's got amusing dialogue, fun gameplay, a chill soundtrack, a pleasant artstyle, which is everything I'd want out of a Sonic game. Especially the way the characters are utilized. You know, Sonic's friends are mad enjoyable when they get to show off their personalities and aren't just there, being cheerleaders. If Sega made more fun and silly games like this, I'd be more than happy to support them.

great story and open world, best npcs in any game every to this date

oh, arthur!!!!!!this game reworked my brain forever. i think of it all the time.

I went into Dragon Quest Treasures fairly blind, all I knew (or needed to know!) about the game was that it's a Dragon Quest XI prequel about popular party member Erik and his sister Mia befriending monsters and searching for treasure. This sort of setup with a built-in hook is actually kind of standard for Dragon Quest. We've got spinoffs about Torneko, Yangus, that one smug guy from VII, and Monsters itself as a sub-series is basically just taking V's monster gimmick and running with it. I knew this stuff going in. I'm gonna hang out with my buddy Erik as a young'n and hang out.

What I did NOT expect was the absolutely insane, brilliant, addictive, joyous, dastardly gameplay loop of this fucking thing. Once you break into the meat of the game, you will be turned into an absolute tycoon with an army of monsters acting as truffle hounds at your disposal. Wake up by the campfire, set out on the open terrain and let those fuckers loose as they get to sniffing up valuable goodies made out of 3D models of Dragon Quests past. Fan service fuels the fire in your heart to absolutely rip this shit up and cash in for LUDICROUS amounts of money. Amounts that'll make your eyes spin like slots and show up as dollar signs. It's amazing. Feels wonderful. A game that makes you feel the way that health-conscious moms do when they describe a chocolate cake as "sinful".

So yeah, you play as a rascal in this one and you certainly feel like one too. TONS of fun that doesn't overstay its welcome, don't miss it because it's bound to be overlooked in a weirdly stacked season of mid-budget JRPGs.

This is truly the worst game i've ever played. It has terrible visuals, music, gameplay and story

I first wanted to start writing by saying "One of the best..", but I realized this is "The best..."
Ultrakill is a game that if you are thinking of getting, or just reading reviews, just buy it.
This is the best FPS I have ever seen, It's like DOOM, but with 3 polygons for graphics. This is the only minor problem the game has, ugly graphics. Now the good parts:

A fast-paced, bloody, adrenaline-inducing, male hormone generator. This game has extremely good shooting mechanics, gun mechanics, movement mechanics, and controls. You can, and will jump higher than the empire state building accidentally, at least once. You will see nothing but blood on your screen. You will kill everything that moves. You will solve (optional and easy) puzzles. You will enjoy its music.

For the "Like DOOM" part; Yes, just like that, but way faster, way more bloody, way more satisfying, and way more ultrakill. If you think that the graphics are bad, think again! The game is so violent that you just can't notice, Your focus will be on your 11-ish guns, 2 bars, 2 melees, and the abundance of movement abilities. And the interactions between all of them.

Watching someone play is like watching people play chess, you will not understand what is happening, and the only good YouTuber that captures the game's feeling is Max0r.

You have a style meter, just like in DMC. This one has a level after the triple S-es even. The meter has multiplication bonuses for how frequently are you using the same gun up to 3x, and another multiplier for your current movement speed up to another 3x.
I will just say two of the most basic but bad-ass things you can do in this game. First, you can throw up coins, and shoot them, multiplying the damage and ricocheting it to a weak point. Second, you can parry bullets, this will send them back to the sender even faster and explode on contact. You can even parry your own bullets to make them deal more AOE damage.

While playing this experience you will come across a Crash Bandicoot level in the middle of a bloodshed. (Not even a spoiler, there are much more easter eggs in the game, probably more than any other game)
If you are still reading, go to the steam page and buy it now.

PS: After this life-altering journey (game), DOOM is played with Minecraft's music.

Amazing game

Love the way they made Spidey feel, just an incredible experience all around and a great take on the various heroes and villains featured in this game. Had a bit of Open World isms in it, but it's done tastefully enough that I didn't really mind it overall.

Very unique game that just needed a bit more polish to truly be great. It really is a crime that this game got lambasted so hard on release when we compare the state of Paper Mario today, when the real charm of the series was the story book nature that all future releases failed to understand.

É um joguinho pra curtir uma vibe relaxante e pegar no sono com diálogos desinteressantes e longos.

Tem pouquíssimos elementos de gameplay, e quando tem não é tão bom.

Tem muita gente elogiando a história, mas eu joguei o jogo todo achando que em algum momento a história fosse engatar, e não engata, o último capítulo é o único que faz alguma coisa minimamente interessante, mas pra falar real parece só uma desculpa pra um jogo bobo, com personagens cansativos.

Acho que o jogo merece pelo menos um 4/10 por sua arte bonita, trilha sonora impecável e sua vibezinha relaxante.

Resident Evil 2 Remake é um ótimo survival horror. Embora ele tenha simplificado demais algumas partes da história em comparação com o clássico de 1998, ele consegue se manter com uma narrativa interessante e personagens secundários cativantes.

O game também apresenta inimigos marcantes e que conseguem ser verdadeiramente assustadores, e isso em conjunto com os sons ambientes e a trilha sonora tocando nos momentos certos, torna a experiência satisfatória.

Por fim, Resident Evil 2 Remake é um ótimo jogo que irá agradar os novatos na franquia, podendo até mesmo ser uma boa porta de entrada no gênero survival horror. Porém, para os players amantes do clássico, a simplificação da história pode incomodar.

Wow I don't know how to start, but i think the best way to describe this game is Astonishing.

Portal 2 was and will be for a long time some of the best games I've experienced in my life without a doubt.

I'm not a puzzle fan but all of the puzzle was great and satisfactory to beat, the dialog holy fu@$%, some of them was hilarious , some of them was deep, but in fact theres not too much of it, all of them was smart and well tought. The story was great and captivating until the end, the soundtrack and scenery is so immersive and intriguing.

And in the end the game ends with a freaking Cara Mia Addio

10/10 Masterpiece

Let me start off by saying I have no nostalgia for this game, I didn't grow up with a PS3 and the very first time I played it was back in 2017 so this is only my 2nd time playing the game so when I say it is my favorite in the series it is through a fresh experience and not rose-tinted glasses.

God of War III features bigger and more grandiose set-pieces and locations, the sheer scale of the game is just insane exploring everywhere from Hades to the heights of Mt Olympus and who could forget the breathtaking, awestriking view as you climb the Chain of Balance or move the Labyrinth cubes in the cavern. I still think God of War I&II have more of an adventurous feeling since in God of War III you're mostly just in Olympus the whole game, but the sheer scope and scale of the locations and set-pieces more than make up for that.

Of course the locations are not the only thing that is bigger and better. No, the boss fights are easily some of the coolest and most epic in not only the whole series, but action video games in general. God of War III is a game that revels in its gory spectacle and every boss fight is just a joy to watch unfold from the very beginning of fighting Poseidon on the back of the Titan Gaia to carving off pieces of Hades flesh or ripping off fingernails from the Titan Chronos as you scale his body and even getting into a bloody fist fight with Hercules (Shout out to the devs for getting Kevin Sorbo who voiced Hercules in the iconic 90s show 'Hercules the Legendary Journeys' to voice him in this game as well). God of War II introduced epic boss fights with heroes and demi-gods from Greek myths, but in God of War III you actually get to fight the gods themselves and I was never once disappointed with how those fights played out.

Combat is mostly the same as the first two games, Kratos still has his primary blades (Known as the Blades of Exile in this game) alongside various magic powers and other weapons you pick up on your journey like the Claws of Hades or the Neman Cestus. There is one major addition to the formula like the Item Power bar which recovers over time after using secondary items like Apollo's Bow or Herme's Boots which are mostly used for platforming and puzzles, but also have combos tied to them which can add an edge in combat. This is the most polished, fast, fluid and complex the combat formula has ever been in God of War to date.

The story for God of War III is once again a tale of vengeance as Kratos butchers all the greek gods one by one on his path to Zeus and causes an apocalyptic event to befall the people of Greece. This time Kratos must quell the deadly Flame of Olympus to once again use Pandora's Box against Zeus as he did all those years ago against Ares and to do that he must find Pandora herself. God of War III expands the world and lore of the series in clever ways that often even tie back into the very first game flipping what we thought we knew on its head and I love that. Also I will say how I saw that at the time of this game's first release a lot of people complained about the ending and found it weird, but I love the dynamic between Kratos and Pandora and how she helps him develop and grow and it fits even better after playing God of War (2018). So I would say that God of War III ended the trilogy in a very satisfying way because while it is very dark and tragic there's still a glimmer of hope for the future as well.

God of War is a series that has only gotten better every new entry (At least in terms of the original trilogy) God of War (2005) set the standard for action/adventure games, God of War II redefined that standard and raised the bar in every way imaginable and finally God of War III mastered and perfected the formula. Featuring more grandiose set-pieces, some of the most epic bosses in the action game genre, the best God of War combat system to date and a well written story that gives a satisfying conclusion to Kratos' vengeance filled trilogy, God of War III is everything I loved about the first two games, but turned up to 11 making it the definitive God of War experience.

In typical Naughty Dog fashion, the studio went above and beyond with Uncharted 4's DLC and it became an excellent standalone title in its own right. Excitingly, the game puts you in the shoes of Chloe Fisher- a fan favorite character ever since her first appearance in Uncharted 2. She sat out of the fourth game but that was only to get players more excited for her own adventure.

Chloe finds herself in an unlikely partnership with Nadine Ross, a bit of an antihero in Uncharted 4. They make for an excellent duo on this adventure, which is more of what we love about the series from the exploration, shootouts, and riveting chaotic setpieces. While we already had the perfect ending to the series, The Lost Legacy was a great cherry on top.

El mejor juego de PS3, ahora en Full HD, a 60fps, con el DLC y con la misma calidad de siempre. Es uno de los mejores juegos de esta parte de la historia de la humanidad, todo un viaje de sentimientos y acción con una historia llena de personajes inigualables y unas mecánicas de juego muy bien implementadas, por si fuera poco, es una de las maravillas gráficas de la pasada generación de consolas, tanto así que es uno de los mejores juegos visualmente hablando de la presente generación. Naughty Dog demuestra que en la actualidad hay muy pocas desarrolladoras que se le puedan igualar, y es que después de crear la magnífica saga Uncharted las expectativas de este título en su momento original de lanzamiento estaban por la estratósfera. Afortunadamente la estratósfera se les quedo pequeña, porque The Last of Us es una obra maestra. Vaya forma de revivir uno de los mejores momentos de la PS3, con un título que explota al máximo su capacidad gráfica, con un título que demuestra cómo es que se deben contar historias y cómo se debe escribir un guion, con un título que presiona los estándares de gameplay integrándolos con un entorno fluido y unos personajes que se ganan el corazón de todos a pulso. Estamos ante una historia emocionante y acongojadora, una historia de compañerismo y respeto mutuo que nos involucra en un mundo devastado y sin futuro, un mundo en el que la naturaleza ha tomado lo que le pertenece, dejando a la raza humana al borde de la extinción y dando a conocer la verdadera faceta de la humanidad, la faceta violenta y oscura, la faceta de la supervivencia. A parte de contar con una historia muy bien desarrollada, todo el juego cuenta con una sensación de inseguridad latente, cosa que nos hace prestar más atención de lo normal y que sin duda alguna nos sumerge aún más en esta magnífica aventura desarrollada por unos genios de la narración. The Last of Us Remastered es un título que se recomienda a todo el mundo, más aún si no han jugado la versión original para PS3 y hay que jugarlo, para irnos acostumbrando a lo que se viene en un futuro, unos títulos de una calidad sin precedentes. Es un juego que nunca olvidarán.