786 Reviews liked by Nilsenberg



bro I just wanted to see how low I could go under a pole what does this have to do with limbo

everyone's in a rush to pump out a social game with live service elements these days so you can bro down with your best friends but not one person has considered the social value of something like left 4 dead 2: blitz through two or three campaigns, spend half of one campaign trying to fuck each other over out of boredom, then spend the next half of the session chatting shit about feelings, opinions, and the state of our lives in the saferoom

godlike 3d platformer with extremely versatile movement. only a handful of annoying/badly designed stages

This is a stealth game and a rhythm game in a trench coat trying to be tall enough to ride on the action game roller coaster and it worked

Just accept that you will have to make it a part time job to learn the bosses' patterns.

A god tier game (pardon the pun)

a wonderful soft reboot of the god of war franchise, super fun if you're into mythologies and hack & slash. also kratos ax go brrr

A massive step up from the first trilogy. Brutal but full of heart and soul too.

Yes, plain story and sometimes artificiall and "sandboxy" world. But it's still one of the best and more relaxing exploration experiences

Left 4 dead without the soul, doesn't understand the design of L4D and what makes it so unique and perfect like the special infected that change depending on your pacing of the game and makes it interesting thanks to the sound queue of each one, with every design so memorable and telling you the backstory of the SI without saying a word

And that's just on one thing, I can't remember one campaign from this game or what makes it unique, contrary to L4D where I can remember every campaign with their own taste and feel like Dark Carnival, Death Toll, The Parish, here we only have city city mountain? city city, same blue grayish feel

Just play L4D2 for real, that game is perfect, this is a lot of peepee poopoo

Barebones, weak and dull. Back 4 Blood is only a spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead in name and the fact it has zombies, but everything else lacks the style, effort and fun that a 10+ year old game has. Nice job.

Okay so picture Left 4 Dead. Alright? Now get that out of your head because this game is nothing like Left 4 Dead nor is it a good game.

both of my play sessions were marked by game-induced headaches. it's probably not as bad as this rating would suggest, and i might even invest a bit more time in it just to see, but by cribbing so directly from their previous multiplayer outing while tailoring it to modern specifications, turtle rock have done an astounding job of demonstrating just how totally impoverished our multiplayer games have become in the past decade. shortlist for the most depressing game in a long while.

The best CoD in years with a really great single player campaign and some damn good multiplayer, the game looks gorgeous and has incredible sound design too. Warzone is also the most fun I've ever had with a BR. 200GB is still a bit ridiculous though.



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