This game was really awesome. It started out pretty bad for me as there was this really drawn out and boring cutscene and the gameplay at first did not click at all. But as I got into it a little more and the hours went by, this was just really fun and addictive. So many combat options that you can upgrade which really add variety. Love the finishers via pulling out the visitors cores. This game looks absolutely gorgeous. Downtown Tokyo at night is such a vibe and is an awesome place for a game to be set in. And damn does this game have soooo much content. Almost to the point where its too much. I played for 20+ hours consistently absorbing every spirit and I'm only at 34% of all spirits in the game. The abilities like gliding and the grappling to birds are cool traversal mechanics. The talisman add a lot of strategy. Bow and arrow was a fun addition as well. Bosses were awesome, they nailed the enemy designs, and the side quests were surprisingly long and full of meaningful story and unique scares. The gameplay is just exceptional. I played like 3-4 hours immediately after finishing it. My criticisms are in regards to some elusive and confusing level design for some of the quests. There was a small parking structure and the marker was there and it told me to search the area. I couldn't find anything so I looked in every nook and cranny for like 2 blocks and found nothing. I searched it up and it turns out it was there the whole time and it was a generic tiny phone I was looking for the whole time. Also, yeah the story and characters are generic and mediocre. It wasn't bad, but it barely kept my attention and was not the reason why I kept playing. I also got soft locked as I glided to a stairway which I couldn't get out of. But it autosaved a minute prior so it was no problem. But yeah this game was rad as hell. Highly highly recommend. Tango the Goats.

Don't think this needs much of an explanation. A horribly aged and massively overrated game given a "makeover" that consisted of making it look worse and exposing its flaws more clearly. Complete lazy cash grab riddled with glitches in a game that already sucks. Yikes.

Pretty fun arcade racer with creative courses and surprising racers. Great gameplay but it’s a shame that this has no online.

played a handful of hours and had fun but wasn't blown away personally.

It's fine. It's kind of adorable but very unsettling and the gameplay was nothing to write home about.

I didn't play this for too long but it was nothing that grabbed me. Very safe and by the-numbers 3D platformer with nothing it excels at. Very eh. The costume physics are very glitchy for some reason. There's a slight chance I'd come back to it as maybe the gameplay gets better and/or I just wanted something quick and easy to blow through. It was also very easy and unexciting. Not bad, just left no great impression on me. 2.5 ★

I absolutely recognize this game's revolutionary and legendary status 100%, but every single time I have attempted to play this game from start to finish, I get frustrated by the outdated controls and lose all motivation. Amazing OST and I know its objectively a masterpiece, its just simply not fun to play for me. I'll return to this someday to try and see what others see. It just hasn't aged well at all imo.

The incredibly fun and addicting gameplay of Panel De Pon but with a Pokémon skin over it… so it’s better.

I genuinely don't get the massive hate for this. Like yeah it's not as good as 2 but that doesn't mean its an abomination lol. I played and beat this at least like 7 times trying to learn how to speedrun it because it's really short. Definitely the worst of the remakes but still a damn good game.

Immaculate action game and the absolute peak of the genre. I had a really bad impression of this game when I booted this up on series X as there was a really awful bug, most likely caused by the HDR performance mode. This rendered my game unplayable until I finally found the problem. Aside from that this game is just masterful man. Ton of combos, weapons, and setups that provide endless fun. This game is just raw and insane . All three playable characters in the base game are all uniquely enjoyable to use. OST is incredible as well. Seriously, this game is just dope. You will be hard pressed finding an action game with better combat and gameplay. A must play. I will say the story is nothing insanely deep or incredible but it doesn't really matter at all and it still manages to have an emotional weight to it. It's still very fun. Capcom made a true modern action game masterclass. 5/5 ★

Nintendo fumbled the bag horrendously with this one. A new entry in one of the most successful franchises and the first one in years comes out the oven barely cooked. Very small amounts of content and no improvements or signs of innovation. The least they could have done was supply GOLF at launch lolll. Instead it came out when everyone stopped caring. The core gameplay is what you'd expect, but this gets boring after a short while because all the sports are one note and there's little meat to the bone. Skip this. EDIT: 1.5 --> 2.5 Golf is actually really great and I've had a few sessions of playing this game recently which were really fun.

Just beat this I know that there is an epilogue but I really loved this game. I was ready to claim that the importance of mental health in this game was overstated up until the last 2 chapters. What a great story and what a truly exceptional platformer as well. It's challenging, but not impossible. The movement is so smooth and the level design super creative via the obstacles and such the developers place. Super satisfying and great collectibles with the strawberries and cassettes. Tons of variety and each chapter area feels fresh and distinct from one another. Cool platforming boss fights. Great OST as well. Highly recommend this one and marks the first game I've completed and then reviewed!

Pretty mid. Immediately forgot about it right after I beat it. That being said I can't say anything that was necessarily bad, just that it was boring. It was still engaging enough where I completed it.

As much as I love the series, I just do not feel that way with Melee. Barring my knowledge of sweaty moves unintended for the game in the first place, I just don't find it that fun. Especially when I can play Ultimate, which is superior in every way personally. Might be one of my spicier takes but whatever it's just my opinion.

Duuuuudeeee this game rulesssss. My favorite all time FPS and is just high octane non-stop addrenaline rush, bombastic, and insane shooter. Amazing gameplay loop where you are constantly on your toes and being creative utilizing the many varied and fun to use weapons in this game. I really enjoyed 2016 but this is just an immense step above and beyond. The game is much more stylized, brutal, and interesting gameplay wise thanks to the more focus on platforming and your new sword weapon. You will not regret playing this. My review can't do the fun you can experience justice. This is an all-time great for me and easily one of my favorite games in recent memory. 5 ★