Ruins the experience with the needless changes

Honestly had a lot of fun despite being a simple game

This is the weakest of the Xenoblades. I still had a lot of fun, but it didn't expand on the games as Torna did. It's purely about Melia, but has nothing to add to the world itself

I'm sure it's good, but man you had to get 2 friends to buy it at the exact same time, which was impossible

This game pushed the Metroid franchise to the furthest it's ever been - Samus speaking, cutscenes, and fear are top notch
buuutttt, I can't help but feel we lost a bit, especially in some aspects like the sequence breaking and soundtrack


Atmosphere is peak, didn't think I'd like it as much as I did

Mostly played the DX HD version, but played a little bit of the 3DS

Experience is about the same imo, while I haven't played the original LA, I've played the Oracle games, so I know how it played on original hardware.

Nice and short game to do over a break, not my favourite Zelda, and wish there was less hidden bombable walls, but I can't really think of any major flaws except for the hardware limitations

Improves upon everything, while removing nothing. This is how a remaster should be

I like it, but feel like there's a heavy skill jump between the first area. If you're not lucky with items in the first area, you'll get screwed with the insanely fast enemies of the next

Idk beat it due to luck, and haven't felt that inspired to go back

Good, but as for a Metroidvania, it felt kinda small and stuff like the map didn't feel that new

I really like this Harvest Moon, got pretty far in it, not really sure if there's a definitive "ending"

IMO this is the best of the Shantae series. Nice length, unique items, and a fun Metroidvania. Sorta small compared to other Metroidvanias, but considering it released on the 3DS, that's almost expected.

This would be the one I recommend to newcomers