I can really only recommend it with Nerrel's Texture pack, but if you ignore graphics, it's a strong Zelda Game

Honestly a good remake, I'd play this version anytime over the original

Best non-Metroid Metroidvania I've played

Really good, only thing holding it back is the hardware

Fun concepts, but kinda long for what it is

Fantastic game, but play the Wii U version if possible

The only game I would attempt to speedrun

I played Galaxy 2 first, and got extremely bored of this quickly

I'd rather play this than Galaxy 1 tbh, prolly just nostalgia

Honestly the definitive Mario Kart
I played it before it was cool

Ngl even as a kid I kinda thought this was meh, I'm more fond of Double Dash

This is just Zelda fanservice, but man I've put like 100 hours into it, I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it was good