Fantastic gameplay and great story. 10/10 perfect game.

One of the best stories I've ever experienced. I genuinely have no idea how the writers wrote such an intricate and complex story, yet somehow have it make perfect sense in the end.

An incredible game that was extremely ambitious for it's time. Only real flaws are the gameplay.

Pretty good game. Story wasn't as interesting as 3, but the gameplay is just as good. Wished they'd had more time so that Dante's half of the game wasn't just Nero's half but backwards.

Combat is amazing, Music is pretty good, Story is solid and the graphics and animation are incredible by PS2 standards. Aside from some camera jank and some annoying enemies, it's perfect.

Fantastic game. Ichiban is a great, likeable protagonist and the story is some of the best in the series. Wish it was a bit harder though (outside of THAT fight).

A pretty good conclusion to Kiryu's story. Gameplay is kinda bland though (read: spam dropkicks and ex-heat).

Amazing game. Can kind of drag, but the story, writing, gameplay and characters are amazing.

Great game. Some of the puzzles are annoying, but the characters, writing and story are phenomenal.

The inverse of Yakuza 3. Fun gameplay, but story takes a nosedive near the end.

It's alright. Gameplay is really slow though and the plot takes a while to start.

My favourite game of all time. I literally can't think up of a single flaw that's more than a nitpick.

Fantastic game. Kinda slow to start, but the writing carries this game through.

Story is better than Kiwami. Gameplay is just alright.