This review contains spoilers

I've gotten as far as you can go in the story thus far and I totally love it.

The additions of the new gods and new boons is excellent, the way Melinoë moves is unique to Zagreus and feels fresh.

I personally have a hard time with a couple of the weapons but I'm also the first to admit that I'm not particularly good at roguelikes so that's just my opinion.

The story is excellent and they've expanded so well on the base of the existing game. I particularly like the omega moves system, I think they add a lot of versatility to combat and a lot of fun options with builds.

I also love the art and music so far, I can't wait to see the rest of the assets when they're ready.

And of course, the story. So far it's really good and I can't wait to see how it ends.

This is a pretty fun game with lots of variety. I enjoyed learning the games and watching myself get better. My internet isn't quite cut out for live play so it often frustrates me when the game lags and I wind up out because of that, but when it's working I have had a great time playing.

The new dance battle mode is a fun challenge but ends up quite repetitive after a while. Also, people have majorly dropped off playing it seems, so I now wind up in rooms alone with bots frequently which is much less fun than playing with others.

Also I wish the game varied what minigames you get more but I don't know how that works so I won't complain too much. Overall, probably more worth it when it was new and more people were playing.

Just finished my first playthrough of this game and will be going back for another.

At one point I found myself thinking that this game is just too depressing and too tragic. Then I finished it and realized that the beauty of a well-written tragedy is that it feels inevitable. And for my first playthrough at least, that's what it felt like. I played with the change indicators (idk what to call the message that tells you the effect your choices will have on the stats) off. This is maybe not the choice if you want to try to win or get a particular outcome, but I wanted my first time playing to be blind, so that I could be led less by the stats and more by the story.

It was an interesting approach and I'm glad I did it and committed to it because I got many very sad outcomes and found myself, at times, very frustrated with the options available to me. If that would ruin the game for you, I definitely recommend playing with the change indicators on, though you probably still won't get everything you want. Sacrifices must be made.

I think these feelings, and experiencing them for the characters and about the story isthe point of the game. A very good YouTuber recently said in a video: the point of art is not understanding it or knowing the most about it. The art is in the feeling it illicits in you as you experience it. (Heavily paraphrased from SuperEyepatchWolf's video The Bizarre World of Fake Video Games).

Sometimes your circumstances don't allow you to pick the optimal choice. Your actions have consequences and at many points while playing and seeing the selection I wanted greyed out, I felt those consequences.

It can be a tough play at times, like I said it is very tragic, and I did take a week and a half break at one point, but when I did go back to it I still enjoyed experiencing the game very much.

The major drawbacks are the spelling mistakes. There is a lot of text in this game and it unfolds like a book, so seeing many spelling mistakes throughout my playthrough wound up feeling jarring, and pulled me out of the story. This isn't something I normally mind, and if it were one or two I probably wouldn't mention it. However, in a game that is basically a novel, the text needs to be free of errors in my opinion, especially in a game that has been out for 3 years.

That being said, the writing really is beautiful and the art is gorgeous. The world created is harsh and difficult, but important and worth fighting for. This game made me feel a lot and I'm excited to go explore another branch of the story.

One of those games that just isn't quite for me, but I can see why people enjoy it. Everything it does it does quite well, I especially enjoyed the deck building aspect!

A pretty fun game that I liked playing, but will probably never actually finish.

There isn't much story, which I suppose is to be expected. The map mechanic is fun but very repetitive, especially on a controller.

I'd probably recommend this if you're looking for a cozy, low-stakes game with great art.

I had fun with this game for sure. The story is good, the gameplay is fun and interesting and some of the endings are very impactful!

I have no complaints but this particular story didn't quite grab me the same way as other choices matter story based games do.

I still enjoyed it and the art is so cute.

Love this game. It was my big covid game and I spent an absurd amount of time playing. I still pick it up often with friends.

This is a really beautifully drawn and sung game. All of the voice talent does really well with the music and there are some truly striking musical moments that give me chills.

I enjoyed the plot and the modern interpretations of the gods a lot, Aphrodite in particular stood out to me, I won't spoil it but WOW that made me emotional. The story is very well-written the choices you're given are compelling and sometimes very tough.

The one complaint I have and for me it's pretty significant, is the lyrical writing. The style of lyricism isn't exactly my thing, there were some lines that made me cringe and that often pulled me out of the story. There were also some word choices that felt very forced or jammed in which was distracting to me. Perhaps I'm too picky about that kind of thing, but it stuck out to me and impacted my experience playing, but it won't be that way for everyone.

It's definitely worth a play and maybe one day I'll play it through again but for now it's definitely shelved.

Overall a fun game with a neat story. I took a break from it and couldn't remember the plot or mechanics well enough to continue on, I may pick it up again in a bit but I'm not sure that leaving it unfinished will keep me up.

The plant ID system is fun, though I wish I'd checked the settings to see the autolabeller in advance.

If you're playing on the steam deck or with a controller it's a little clunky. It's probably much more easily playable on a PC but as it stands the controls just don't translate well to controller play.

The characters and plot are interesting and figuring out the puzzles is pretty satisfying. The limited choice you get in the game is also fun, and maybe if I'd finished it there would be more fun choices.

Overall I'm sure it's a game some people absolutely adore, but it wasn't so much my thing. I had a good time with it though.

I absolutely love this game. I was wrong about the soundtrack, it's full of great music and has totally infected my music taste.

I bought this game because of a Secret Sleepover Society stream despite never having played a 3d skateboarding platformer before and am happy to report it's very beginner friendly and I was able to learn to play it and get the rhythm of the game a lot easier than I thought.

The plot is fun but all of the cut scenes can get a little annoying and of course, as in all games with a heat system, it's more annoying than a challenge and is often frustrating.

The game is very stylish, all of the character design is good and I love the dance animations. I'm on chapter 5 right now but will definitely be continuing to try and get all of the collectibles!

My one small thing is that the collectibles are often difficult for me to see but it's probably also because I'm not used to looking for that sort of thing.

I'm really hoping for a sequel or similar kind of game from this studio one day.

Had a lot of fun with the first part of Inscryption but there's a significant tonal and gameplay shift in act 2 and I kind of fell off after that. I'd like to come back to it eventually, but I got a little confused and overwhelmed by the way the game opens up the system it had already established. The first part is a lot of fun but maybe this game just isn't for me overall, I'll try picking it up again later.

I've just finished my first full run-through of the game and I can already tell I'll do at least 2 more runs through. I'm absolutely obsessed!

I'm not usually one for horror games but the devs have balanced the horror elements perfectly to the point where it becomes my favourite kind of horror, a tragedy. I don't want to include spoilers because I'm hoping that this review will possibly encourage someone to play the game but there are several moments in Slay the Princess where I had to sit and think for a bit or put the game down and take a break because I was so struck with either the poignancy, tragedy, depth, or reality of the choices I'd made and the relationship my character has with the princess.

Also, huge huge shout out to the voice actors, they do so incredibly and were perfectly cast.

I really enjoyed this game! Played it all in one day a few years ago and was totally absorbed by the game! I remember some things being a bit obtuse for me at first, but I did figure it all out eventually

This game is completely hilarious, which doesn't mean it's good. It was much scarier before the Wendigos were introduced and also let's stop using Wendigos and other Indigenous stories as horror plots, it just sucks.

Great game with a great story, I have to go back and replay it one day. I enjoyed the combat and the dialogue options, as well as the skill mechanics. The characters are all great and the story was compelling! It's a fun world to play in with detailed lore and beautiful art!