Max Payne 2's greatest achievement is it's ability to tell a original story without leaning too hard on Max's tragic backstory. Max evolves over the course of the story and changes the characters around him in interesting ways. It also tells a smart metanarrative that squeezes much needed bits of satire in between the angsty plot. The dream sequences are much better as well and I really appreciated the evolved gameplay that urges the player to replay the same scenarios but cooler.

Max Payne tells a serious story but manages to squeeze surprising amounts of fun and originality out of tired cliched source material. The result is a game that understands it's strengths and lends itself well to one single playthrough over a nice evening. But like most noir stories it's writing can be cheesy,over angst ridden and the gameplay is afraid to let you go too far without putting you in tight hallways that force trial and error.

It may be missing the magic of it's predecessors. But Max's arc concludes in a satisfying way that innovates his character. The mechanical music is it's greatest achievement as Max returns to doing what he does best.
The cutscenes were restrictive however and just like Max himself. The game is too late to get going and takes far too long to make any sense or feel cohesive.

Dead Space dangles the player around it's claustrophobic environments that lay stagnant and dripping with anticipation and dread. Navigating the Ishimura means consigning to the game's ability to make you feel powerful and completely powerless at the same time. I have never played a game so competent at flicking you into confusion just when it wants.

Completes the Hotline Miami saga perfectly with surprising originality and cohesion. But the snappy tense gameplay devolves into shooting matches with forces you cannot see. Each level strays further and further from the core of Hotline Miami and Jacket's killhouses are replaced with forgettable sandboxes. One of the biggest disappointments for me.

The Last of Us 2 is a stunning unique game. But in comparison to its predecessor, Its supporting characters are lost to the mire of self-loathing and regret. TLOU1 manages to include a range of likable individuals that each carry the weight of the apocalypse in their own way. Their stories and moments perfectly compliment Joel and Ellie's arcs and bring a lot of joy to some of the most depressing locations.

A wonderful experience from start to finish. It's one of the few games that understands platforming. When you unlock most of Ori's moveset it's like locking in to Titanfall and it's a pure rush. Backed up by incredible care to art, animations and one of the best orchestral soundtracks in videogame history.

A ton of fun, Recommend playing this in the middle of a beefier rpg or cinematic game.

Campy heist flick. Exaggerated characters, Over the top action and classy music. It demands as much analysis as a Call Of Duty release and I love it anyway. Los Santos has a vibrancy to it that still hasn't been matched and it is a testament to its design that we don't even need the map to know where we're going anymore.

Pleasant surprise, Perfectly captures the magic of adventure and the special bond between brothers. I played this with my little brother clutching one half of the controller and it was good to see he connected so much with it that he struggled to stop crying after.

At one point in this game's lifetime. Valve did something that got it JUST right. But they never had the sense to leave it that way.

It takes a risk in trying to be funny AND serious. It sticks the landing on both.

Who knew that under all those explosions and quirky one liners. There was a brilliant original story that was just brimming to be told. Nathan Drake's relapse into Treasure hunting is just as exciting as a rollercoaster. But it's the slow climb of redemption before the next intense setpiece that I appreciated the most.

Oooh it's a real special game.

Addictive gameplay and an incredible story. The kind of one hit wonder that you are grateful to have experienced and content with never seeing a game of it's ilk again.