Maybe it's not its fault. Maybe the problem here was being released after Zero and meant to be played after Zero... I don't know. But they managed to deliver a package so similar to Zero on the outside but so different on the inside. Comparisons aside, Yakuza Kiwami is an okay remake with an okay story, a not that fun side content overall and a kind of clunky combat for some reason. There are too many fire weapon enemies especially in the latter parts and you have to grind quite a bunch to ignore some issues. And I don't want to talk about its rhythm problems. It's needed for the Kiryu saga but I was really disappointed.

It really shows this is a Good-Feel game. I'm not a fan of their last Nintendo game but this one is very well crafted, no pun intended. It's cute, with simple mechanics and a lot of variety of situations. It is easy. If you like a little bit of a challenge, you won't find it here. But that also makes it quite accessible to a wider range of people to play it without much problems. It's a beautiful game, the costume change system creates many mechanics and different stories told as theater plays performed by her as the protagonist and overall having Peach as a protagonist is a plus. Not that short of a game, pretty fun. I don't know, it's quite good for what it is.

Nier Automata happened to be one of its kind. Somehow one of the best developers at action games happened to be working with one of the quirkiest directors that knows HOW to write an outstanding story. And together they created this. Not without its flaws, but it's almost perfect.

Very bad story, mid characters and bad camera. Clunky combat. Open world is not exploited at all. Beautiful visuals and amazing music but everything else is bad. Noctis was butchered in the western localization to appear "more cool". Shame.

What can I say about the first of a legendary saga that changed my life. First Chapter is an amazing introduction to the world of Zemuria with such a warming story til the end, a great combat and a world to explore full of lovely characters where almost every npc has a name and a story to share to those willing to listen. Masterpiece of masterpieces.

Zero Mission is what Samus Return should've been. A remake with a lot of charisma which enhances the original experience without introducing stupid gimmicks. One of a kind.

Kind of overrated story but also one of the most comfort and dynamic combat systems the franchise has seen so far.


It's an okay game. Story is predictable, gameplay is simple, music is... there... Artistic design is a plus on my book and this game does look clean. I mean, it has its charm. But it's also kind of... lacking. I really wanted to like this one.

Six generation is probably my favourite. Introduced fairy type, which is one of my favourites, and Megaevolutions, my favourite gimmick so far. But I play Pokémon for the adventure across the region with my pokefriends and... yeah. Kalos is a beautiful one, but also a mediocre one. And storywise is quite bad. Just okay overall.

Didn't know horror and 2D could really work until I played Metroid Fusion. And it can work amazingly well. By far my favourite Metroid.


Fun game with crazy artistic design. Short and that's good. Very recommended.

A lot of problems here and there but sound design is so clever and scary that it deserves better.

It meant the world to a lot of people, Final Fantasy VII is a very good game with a lot of flaws.

Played the GBA version. It sat down the foundations of the future of the franchise and also was the first TLoZ I finished. Moves away from the origins but introduces a gameplay loop that works flawlessly.