Yakuza Kiwami 2 starts with an advantage. The Dragon Engine makes the combat so fun it's out of this world. Its highs are very high and it's lows are not that low. Storywise definitely is not Zero but it's very well presented to the player overall. Side content is really fun this time. But I insist, the engine makes up for everything here. It's just that good.

Dark Souls 1 but better! But worst. But better!

Infinite has some thing better than Bioshock 1 and some others worse. Story is okay, just a little pretentious. Wait a minute, that card.

To me the best Ace Attorney yet. It may focus too much to one case in the background until the end but it's so well written I don't care.

I used to know everything about this game. I love it, everything is so well and badly done at the same time it's almost from another world the way it succeeded.

Jesus. The idea is not bad, Watch Dogs 2 shows it can work, but this first try is so bad it bleeds. Story and main character are the worst I've seen ever.

The best remake Pókemon has ever done. It has everything and it's beautiful.

Yakuza 3 was the first Kiryu game released on the PS3 and it had mixed reviews. And I can see why. To be honest it feels like the groundhog day, having to come back to Kamurocho to take care of the Tojo Clan problems once again... It's almost tiring. Especially after having to deal with the orphans in a fresh environment. I just want Kiryu to have peace in Okinawa and be happy with the children. Maybe it's just me but those were my favourite parts and thanks to those parts, I feel like I understand Kiryu much better now.

I'll be defending Yakuza 3 anytime, but not for the reasons I could defend any other Yakuza game but for these reasons. It delivers so much about Kiryu in so little time that it's wild to think about it. The problem is that... that's not a big chunk of the story. At all. The majority of the game lies in Kamurocho where you deal with yakuza problems, with too many side content and a very bad combat.
All of it is ultimately related to the orphanage, yes, but the fact they showed us the other side of Kiryu at the start of the game made that I grew so tired of the yakuza problems I didn't really want to know much. It was like a deja vu from Kiwami and Kiwami 2. It's just tiresome.

I didn't like much the game but I appreciate Yakuza 3 for what tells about Kiryu.

One of the best LEGO games out there. Worth the wait, but not the crunch the devs suffered. Still such an enjoyable one. I'm really thankful this game went well in the end.

I think Kanto is my favourite region and first generation is such a nostalgic treat for me. This remake is not perfect at all, especially coming from Hoenn, but it does what a remake should do and does it perfectly right.

Super Mario 3D World is my favourite 3D Mario game and this version is even better. Also, Bowser's Fury shows you can translate 3D World mechanics into something bigger without losing anything in return. Sure, other 3D Marios may seem deeper but that's the charm of this one. It's a 1:1 with the 2D ones but exploiting the third dimension and it works so natural...

Nice visuals. Combat is very fun. Story is mediocre at best. Not the best pacing. It's kind of a mix bag and not representative of the Tales of franchise.

Mix musou-like gameplay with Persona elements is such a great idea it works very natural. I hope for more like this.

CHAOS. Story is stupid. Presentation is stupidier. Gameplay seems simple at the start but is surprisingly deep the more you play. The thing is: are you willing to get to the point at which you can enjoy that? I sure didn't much.

Story is okay but the thing about this one is how fluid dialogue is.