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Bosses are a bit underwhelming and gameplay loop a bit tedious at times. But what it does well does so amazing I can safely ignore that. Just an amazing story and setting. We sing just blows your mind and as Alan Wake and Control the best part is the enemy swarm in tune with the music. Dark Ocean Summoning might be even better than the ashtray maze in Control.

It had so much potential. Still best AR game the franchise and the medium is such a great match.

Makes you feel like John Wick. Amazing campaign bosses wish we had more of those. If you could add custom songs and maps, this would become the best game ever.

Best rhythm game ever. This alone makes purchasing a VR headset worth it.

Just amazed by the writing and art


Love the instructions manual mechanic nothing else like it.

Love the lore and mechanics, not so thrilled by the gameplay loop. Love the office concept and reading all the documents

Fun to just run around for a while

Loved the first rogue like card game. Loved the concept and story didn't like the other 2 card games

Wish I could experience this for the first time again.

Open world Dark Souls delivered in every aspect


Amazing game story. Not compelled to keep grinding and getting all the unlockables but still enjoyed it a lot

Just impressed by the construction mechanic. Not a fan of the underworld, love the sky islands though