For a game with such a pedigree, its missteps are horribly glaring, a messy return from a collective of developers that are capable of so much more.

The expansions outshine practically everything in A Realm Reborn, but you gotta eat your vegetables before getting to the best parts of the meal.

It's more Breath of the Wild, and considering how polished and compelling that game was already, this second journey through a familiar Hyrule still feels legendary.

While the new content is certainly welcome, some inconsistent narrative directions and theming decisions prevent Full Body from being the definitive way to experience Catherine.


While it occasionally gets too obtuse for its own good, Kojima and Del Toro's "playable teaser" is an unforgettable nightmare whose tragic disappearance only makes it all the more captivating.

There are only so many times that you can see a switch with a character's face on it before you say "yeah, I get it" and move on.

What it lacks in mechanical depth, it makes up for with style, creativity, and heart, and that's a triple threat that most games would never come close to achieving.


The contemplative Myst-like puzzles clash heavily with the underwhelming gunplay, but you'd be surprised just how much of the gruesome atmosphere manages to seep through.

EA's first "indie" release is an imaginative puzzle-platformer that challenges your head and tugs at your heart.

It's not the most challenging of the "New Wave of Indie 3D Platformers" but it controls like an absolute dream and caps it off with a charming and imaginative vibe.

Even with a slightly less engaging second half, From Software's legendary title is a strikingly rebellious one, not just with its high challenge, but also its confident sense of trust toward the player.

It's the ultimate example of "your mileage may vary," one whose enjoyment is entirely dependent on the people you end up interacting with.

Against seemingly impossible odds, it translates the core elements of its series with dedication and honed study, while being a watershed moment for immersion in video games.

It doesn't do anything shockingly new, but thanks to fantastic level design and an inventive approach to its titular challenge, Playtonic bounce back with plenty of aplomb.

Massive games like this tend to buckle under their own weight, but P5 Royal's strengths endure the extensive time sink, staying refreshing and captivating from start to finish.