Beyond its campy sanity effects stands a very ambitious horror game whose involved narrative and tense gameplay will surely keep you on the edge of your seat.

The amount of content here, both gameplay and narrative-wise, goes above and beyond what you might expect from a DLC campaign, making this a must-play for fans of RE4make.

Without a trace of restraint, Detention is viewed through an overtly political lens, one that displays the horrors of Taiwan's past with such historical viscera and unfiltered terror.

Approachable mechanics, plenty of secrets, and an undeniably strong sense of atmosphere make the original Donkey Kong Country a great opening statement for this new era of gaming's iconic gorilla.

Dredge's gameplay loop gets repetitive over time, and while its horror conjures plenty of uneasiness early on, it loses a lot of its bite by the time the finale rolls around.

Instead of attempting to evolve Metroidvania design beyond the well-established template, Hollow Knight doubles down on its oppressive atmosphere and deep world-building, and it's all the better for it.

Its legacy has been contorted and warped so much, managing to be both a peak of Sonic's 3D era and the beginning of its recorded downfall, but regardless of any sort of discourse it attracts, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is one of the hedgehog's most memorable outings and I'm so happy that it exists.

In a time when so many want to have absolute control over their gaming experience, the companion of The Last Guardian is an anomaly, one whose strange, almost autonomous behavior makes the entire journey seem all the more real.

DKC2 is such a giant leap forward from its predecessor, a surprising and challenging platfomer whose brilliant sense of discovery encourages digging deep into its many captivating worlds.

Whether you want to call it a "horror game" or not, Luigi's Mansion has a purely unique type of atmosphere that no other horror game has managed to recreate.


With its pleasant graphic design and pretty standard RPG gameplay, OMORI's story does most of the heavy lifting, but the weight it lifts is enormous.

From the story to the characters to the mysteries, everything Rain Code does, Danganronpa did better.

This is one of the best manga/anime games ever made and a frantic, rampantly customizable fighting game in its own right.

Inside is Super Limbo, which depending on who you ask, could mean an engrossing atmospheric puzzle game or an unshakable feeling of déjà vu (often times both at the exact same moment)

Hi-Fi Rush pushes past its flaws with a big, dumb grin on its face, air-guitaring its way on stage and fondly reminding us that there are still plenty of places that the action game genre can go.