As someone who owns two Jet Set Radio t-shirts and a hoodie as well as 2Mellos Memories of Tokyo-To on vinyl, to say I was hyped when there was a spiritual successor announced is an understatement. This could be my GOTY, it fully understands the visuals and soundtrack and general atmosphere that made them two games special. This is definitely more fun to actually play than Jet Set Radio as that game hasn't aged too great with the controls.

Some weird physics and slippy edges that I don't feel like the originals had, a lot of levels and character designs have lost their charm in the new artstyle but deep down it's still the Crash Bandicoot games you know and love

Up there with Half Life 2 for one of the most innovative and fun singleplayer FPS experiences. The multiplayer is fun too.

Gets a bit tiring seeing the same Rescue Your Brother objective. Feels like someones jingling keys in your face and then throwing them down a corridor and doing it over and over. Aesthetics wise this game nails it.


Very simple little game, a great retelling of one of my favourite Lovecraft works.

Boring at best, baffling level design. I remember really wanting to play this game when it came out, from what I've read this was a bad port so maybe I just experienced it the wrong way. But saying that Planet Wisp was always my least favourite level in Sonic Generations

Enjoyed it more than I thought I would with the fan reception being mixed/leaning more negative. Still miss the tone of Serious Sam TFE/TSE/2 But this felt like it had more goofy tone than SS3 did atleast.

Pretty faithful feeling budget Timesplitters spritual successor. Not too short but you can get it cheaper than a tube of pringles at times.


Very short but replayability is built into the games DNA. Really happy to see the evolution of the underlooked game Absolver. Can be very brutal if you're not willing to be patient and learn the games mechanics fully. Hope to see more story games from the team with these mechanics. If you're having trouble do what I did and stick on a Wu-Tang Clan album and you'll be clean with the dodges and parrys.

An amazing game and franchise that NEEDS to be revived, it is an INJUSTICE that the Camheds never made it to the full game.

Initially bought this cause I heard it was the spiritual successor from the creator of the old flash classics Ray 1+2. Insanely fun and creative story, great characters and music. Definitely one of my games of the year.

Pretty good. Satisfying chunky sound effects. Level design can be a bit confusing at times, a lot of places look the same and there's no map so you can find yourself going in circles quite a bit. Rahul Kohli puts in a master performance, just wish he talked more rather than just when you hit Taunt.

Its amazing how engaging this game is with what little there is to do.

Those goblins are cheeky little bastards

Very VERY short horror visual novel (and priced suitably) but I got one good scare out of it, paid more for less interesting and more forgettable horror experiences.