2023 List

Games I've played that have come out in 2023

Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3
Larain really did pull out their giga cock rizz and cooked a banger huh?
Amanda the Adventurer
Amanda the Adventurer
Pretty alright game that is purfect horror media for kids.
Garten of Banban
Garten of Banban
Just when you think Poppy Playtime had TOO much integrity.
A literal black hole of enjoyment.
Hi-Fi Rush
Hi-Fi Rush
Xbox really out here just casually shadow-dropping their best game in years.
Pizza Tower
Pizza Tower
The mix of the stupid fast Wario Land gameplay and the absolutely unhinged animation has created one of the most satisfyingly chaotic experiences I've felt with an indie game in a very long time.
Dead Space
Dead Space
Probably the best example for what I want out of remakes going forward. Shame it's from a publisher I can't stand.
Metroid Prime Remastered
Metroid Prime Remastered
Maybe I just didn't get it.............possibly.
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy
It’s literally every single AAA open world “RPG” but this time it has an expensive license video games sheen.
Clive 'N' Wrench
Clive 'N' Wrench
In the attempt of trying to recapture the wonder of 5th gen platformers you've ended up with a pretty ok game with so much lack of polish it's ruins everything else.
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe
It's kinda impressive HAL Laboratory got away with selling a glorified remaster of an already pretty great Wii game for 60 dollars by addin in a mario party style minigame collection, and a "short" RPG style gamemode starring the villain of the main game. I mean the game is still great and the new gamemodes they added in are also fun and make the price more justifiable than other remake/remasters, I just it's neat.
Garten of Banban 2
Garten of Banban 2
At least they acually tried a little more, not by much the game still sucks monkey fuck but still I'll give them a D- for some effort
My House
My House
Normally I don't add mods or dlc's to my year list but I feel like this adds enough of it's own thing to stand on it's own outside of Doom.
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos
The Dark Crystal game I've always wanted.
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
Exactly what I want out of a remake, something reminiscent of the original game but new enough that it stands out as it's own new thing.
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
Pretty charming but I'm docking 2 points off from the lack of Big the Cat.
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
A beat for beat clone of Vampire Survivors only with better sprits and actual level design
Dead Island 2
Dead Island 2
I hold no strong feelings one way or the other.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
I don’t if this game genuinely sucks or I’m just being a negative nancy because I’ve become apathetic towards Star Wars as a brand, but the game left me feeling nothing and mad that I waste my time even 4 months later after, and I’d argue that’s being bland and forgettable is worse than being just bad.
My honest reaction.
Garten of Banban 3
Garten of Banban 3
They somehow made an even worse game on their third time around and at this point I don’t think they really wanna get better with their craft, I think they just wanna keep doing the bare minimum and just call people who don’t like their games haters.
Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath - Vengance of the Slayer
Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath - Vengance of the Slayer
I think I finally understand why people like Cruelty Squad now.
Greyhill Incident
Greyhill Incident
I think the idea of a horror game with the grey aliens sounds really interesting, I only wished the game iitself wasn't a boring buggy slog.
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Friendly Neighborhood
You have no idea how good it feels to play something in the mascot horror genre and have it not be a soulless cash grab and is a fun game on top of that.
Pikmin 4
Pikmin 4
if you're a newcomer to this series I think you’ll mostly love everything this game has to offer since most of the game from its enemies, bosses, areas, and caves feels like the best of the series; but I think that’s the reason why I don’t really love this game. The first hour of the game was just a super handholding tutorial that didn’t let you off the leash until it was over and the whole time I was just so fucking bored and uninterested in these new characters and these new setting (for the most part). It all feels really safe, they made big strides to make the caves better and to pack in as much fun into this game as humanly possible but with everything either being reincorporated from a past game or loosely based off a past game it all just comes off as playing it safe. Nothing is really all that new besides Oatchi and the more open maps and I’m honestly really disappointed that they didn’t try reaching for the moon and completely reinventing the Pikmin gameplay to reach “peakmin”. With almost every other mainline Nintendo IP all their new entries find a way to bring back the series in a new and fresh way while still keeping the core fun of their series (Mario Odyssey, BOTW, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Metroid Dread, Kirby and the Forgotten Land). Pikmin 4 does that a little but as a whole package it plays it so safe that it left no long lasting satisfaction from me as a hardcore Pikmin fan. I liked it a lot, but it could've been so much better.
Garten of Banban 4
Garten of Banban 4
The audacity to ask $10 for this is honestly really funny.
Enchanted Portals
Enchanted Portals
This isn't even Great Value brand Cuphead; this is Salvation Army 50 cent bin Cuphead.
The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo
The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo
I’m completely enamored by the visual artist on display here. Everything from the spirits to the background are just gorgeous to look at and really show the commitment and love the lead artist was able to put in. The surreal world and characters that are littered throughout the game gave me huge Neverhood vibs and that’s something that I’ve seen very few games reach, hell even the spiritual successor to Neverhood ‘Armikrog’ never got close to matching that game’s strange humor and nonsensical logic.
Lies of P
Lies of P
Soullikes have never been my thing but somehow this game clicked something in my brain that made me fall in love with it. I don't know if it was the mix of bloodborne and sekiro's mechanics that makes for a more fast and aggressive combat system, the beautiful art direction, the fun and well paced areas you explore, or the story which is a fun retelling of Pinocchio that isn't told in a obtuse way like most of FromSoftware's other games. Either way I fucking loved every second of this game and I am 100% down for other Soulslike from this studio that take from public domain literature. (That end credit scene thought)
Mortal Kombat 1
Mortal Kombat 1
An embarrassing, bland, and pathetic excuse for a video game.
Corn Kidz 64
Corn Kidz 64
A really great tribute to the 3D platformers of the N64 from a visual and gameplay perspective. I just wish it had more of it's own identity besides surface level appeal.
Skull Island: Rise of Kong
Skull Island: Rise of Kong
People who've said this is "the worst game of 2023" really need to play more games, or at least play more licensed video games, because while this is a fucking awful game; I've seen far worse come out of the AAA scene and they have even less of a reason to end up the way they do.
Hellboy: Web of Wyrd
Hellboy: Web of Wyrd
As someone who is a huge Hellboy fan (Mike Mignola being a horrible person aside) you couldn’t find someone more excited for this game than me. From the amazing looking shaders Upstream were using to replicate Mignola’s heavy shadows art style to the combat looking fun from the small bits I saw from gameplay videos it look to be the first Hellboy video game that was not only a faithful adaptation from the comics; but also a good game on top of that. Unfortunately that’s not what we got, what we got is a super mediocre roguelike that is so piss easy and repetitive it fails at the most basic approach of being a roguelike.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
It alright, it not subtle or nuanced, it tasteless and lukewarm.........naa that's being a bit too mean.
The truth is I did enjoy this game quite a bit, the combat is still pretty solid, the side missions feel less like filler and more like proper missions, everything with Kraven is fantastic, and side stuff with Peter's former villains are all really great and do a better job delivering the game's overall narrative themes better than the main story to an extent. I feel like the further we get into the story the worse it gets and the more rushed it feels. I genuinely believe if you gave the symbiote arc more time to breath, made Venom less of a one note villain, and actually found something for Miles to do in the main story besides getting over his anger towards Mr. Negative you could've had something really special on your hands, and I know that for a fact since Kraven is by far the best part of the game hands down, Insomniac did their homework and then some like holy shit.
All and all a perfectly serviceable sequel that I wished tried a little bit harder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
What a 𝙒𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧ful game............AH...AHHHHHHHHHH........𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨.
Alan Wake II
Alan Wake II

14 years and Remady somehow hit it out of the park with one of my new all time bangers, and to think..........it's all because Epic wanted a new exclusive game for their shitty pc store front and have nearly infinite amounts of cash to throw around. Good on you Sam Lake and co......good on you for gaming the system.

Silent Hill: Ascension
Silent Hill: Ascension
(𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐮𝐛𝐢)

RoboCop: Rogue City
RoboCop: Rogue City
As a huge Robocop fan this game was high on my list of things I really wanted to get excited for but just didn't because I've been burned before in the past and hype always leads to disappointment. So it's very fulfilling to finally get to play a Robocop game that's not only really good but also has that classic charm that I always loved from the movies.
Garten of Banban 6
Garten of Banban 6
Buckshot Roulette
Buckshot Roulette
I think my brain has a problem.

Everytime I think about this game or say it's name outloud I always misread the name as "Backshot Roulette" instead of it's real name. It started off as a joke one of my friends said and now it's the just the name of the game in my mind, it's gotten so bad that now most of my friend group also just call it Backshot Roulette and now I think one of my friends wants to fuck the Dealer! please send help I think me and my friend group have been infected by the woke mind virus!!!!


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