The gunplay is better than in its predecessor, and the story is bigger and more engaging. However, the atempt at turning climbing into a gameplay mechanic fails pretty hard. Character-wise: The recurring cast is very compelling once again and the villain is absolutely fenomenal. The other new characters are likable overall, with the exception of Chloe, who is basically just a stereotypical badass woman, completely lacking the relateability of Drake and co. Overall, although being a little rougher than the first game, the end product is nothing short of amazing.

The gameplay itself is OK, but a large part of the game is esentially just filler. The pretentious cutscenes and dialog sequences are so fucking boring that it's unbearable.

This game is really, really good. The only thing missing is more of it.

The combat is fenomenal, and the final boss is one of the most rewarding obstacles I've ever overcome in any game. The only thing holding the game back are a few really just unfun sequences and the handling feeling kinda akward in some cases.

A disappointing, uncreative rethread of previous games, lacking their finess almost entirely. Still pretty fun though.

The gameplay is fun, but everything else feels like such an afterthought. Where DOOM (2016) felt so purposeful and intelligent in it's worldbuilding and storytelling, with an absolutely perfect tone that was over the top but still grounded enough to be immersive; DOOM Eternal feels like a parody of it self, and it's story like an unfunny joke. The immersion is just non existent, and the whole experience just feels like an unprofessional mess, devoid of passion, care and finess.

People give this game shit for no reason. It's the best uncharted game hands down. Drake is at his wittiest and his relation with Sully and Elena is just such a joy to watch. The story is very simple, but very fitting for this type of game. There is no need for long cutscenes of exposision. Instead the focus is almost entirely on Drakes real talent: killing people. The gunplay is very arcadey and fun, and the mix of the gunplay with occasional puzzles, all to the backdrop of very entertaining banter between likable characters is what makes this game so good. 5/5

It's more refined and accessible than any other fromsoft game, which certanly is a good thing overall. But I can't help but feel like, with this refinement, some of the vibe/character of the previous games is lost. But c'mon, of course it's still an amazing game.

There is so much I love about this game. Everything before and including the Ornstein and Smough fight is amazing, easy 5/5 up to that point. But sadly, the game falls off hard after that point. The creativity and finess of the first half is almost entirely gone, and the final boss is such an anticlimax. Overall though, it's still certainly a good game.

The controls feel SO bad it's unbelievable.

There is just SO much stuff in this game, and it's all impressively high quality. I've poured hundreds of hours into this game and it's just been such a joy all the way through.

The amazing gameplay and general emersive quality of this game is what brings me back to it year after year, and for every replay it just feels like it gets better and better. I cannot give this game anything other than a 5/5.