Don't preorder games. I don't care how good they look, just don't do it.

I remember back in the day buying this game not knowing it was online only. I didn't have xbox gold, so I couldn't play the game at all. The next day, I tried to return it to Best Buy and they gave me one dollar. ONE DOLLAR. I've played the game since then, and it's okay I guess, but ONE DOLLAR. This was like 8 years ago and I'm still pissed.

What I played was fun, but each update is spread so far apart that I kinda don't remember quite how to play it and each are that gets added is harder and harder, as any game should be, but gosh, I don't want to have to practice before actually accessing the new content. I'll probably get back to it once it's complete and update this review if by then I even remember this website exists.

I love this game so much, but the bumpers on my ds don't really work anymore, so I sadly don't have a way to play it.

This review was written before the game released

Everything I didn't like about Overwatch is back and worse than ever. Monetization is worse, balancing is worse, matchmaking is worse, there's less features. Oh, but don't worry! The features we removed are on our roadmap! You can trust what's on our roadmap because we at Blizzard have never lied to this community! I've never played Overwatch 2 and I played the original far after its hay day and did not enjoy it, but gosh does everything about this game make me unhappy. I wish all blizzard higher ups would fall into a well or something. Especially Bobby Cold-stick, or whatever his name is. He doesn't deserve a google search in his name. I feel bad for the developers. Nobody wants to see something they worked hard on end up like this. My heart goes out to Overwatch fans. Very few people deserve to play a game this bad, and sadly, many of them work at Blizzard, and none of those executives play video games.

I was a pretty big fan of the original slime rancher, so it's fair to say the sequel had me rather excited. When it came out, it was everything I had hoped for, and more. Many issues that I had with the original had been remedied in this sequel. It still is in early access, and I generally believe that there still isn't quite enough content to justify the asking price, but I'm excited to experience what the developers plan to deliver.

I used this game most of the time to just draw pictures. Sometimes I'd connect to people around me, but mainly I think I just liked the rainbow pencil.

This is pretty much the only game I play on my phone. I've been playing it since launch on and off, and recently I've really gotten into it. Tower defense isn't usually a genre that I enjoy too much, but I've always had a soft spot for bloons since my days of playing the flash games on Coolmath. It also helps that this game is really good.

I used to think that people who played minesweeper were just really good at guessing, and it was really impressive to me. Now I actually understand the game and it is kind of a letdown.

To me, this is the pinnacle of roguelikes. I think I could just hop on and do a run at any time. It's just so replayable. This game singlehandedly started a phase where I played tons of rogue likes. Some good, some bad, but none were able to beat this one.

Fortnite is fun to play with friends, but so is almost every other multiplayer game ever. It used to be more fun when it was new, but now it feels less like a game and more like a product. It isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but I just don't want to play Fortnite ever again.

It's a pretty great game. The story is nice, the gameplay is engaging enough for its runtime, and I really enjoyed all the characters. My main complaint is that I think the story could have done a little more, it was good, don't get me wrong, but it didn't feel too inventive. To me, it felt really similar to Wandersong, which is a good thing, I love that game, but it just didn't feel different enough, and it also wasn't quite as good. The gameplay, on the other hand, was leaps and bounds ahead of Wandersong. I think it's a really good title, and if it interests you, I'd recommend it.


I don't know why Nintendo put a demo out for this game. After playing arms for 10 minutes, nobody is gonna spend $60 to keep playing. I might've spent $60 to stop playing. It is that boring.

I love looting for thirty minutes only to get shot while walking through an empty field by a guy with a sniper rifle 300 meters away from me that might've been three pixels on my screen.