Games I've Changed My Mind On

Given the large amount of games that I have played, I find that my general opinion is largely consistent over time, but here are the exceptions!

Melee showed me the light
I loved this game when I first played it. then I became a teenager. This was one of those mid-2010s victims where young teen me thought it'd be cool to be so nitpicky over every single video game. I have since come back to my senses!
I thought this was just whatever as a kid, but have come to appreciate it more now, especially in the lens of a post-BoTW world
Used to love it but now prefer the N64 version by a large margin
I think I like HL1 more than this now
Not as fun as I remembered
The more I think about this game, the more I think they really bungled this as a sequel
I'm generally more critical of this series nowadays
Used to absolutely hate this one, but I think this is the second best mainline Ace Attorney game
Used to think this was the best one, but I think it's the weakest of the trilogy
Used to think this was pretty neat but it's a pretty gross game that isn't that interesting. At least it redeems Toko, and Komaru is still great
I really evangelized this at first for being the perfect successor to Danganronpa V3, and it is, but it's clearly not a very good game. It needed to exist though.
The demo left a poor impression on me, and I think the full game is pretty nice!
I loved it at first but I found this game harder to play over time
Used to think this was a really weak game but it's one of the best on the NES
I used to think Zelda 1 was worse than this. Hell no! This is my least-favorite Zelda game at this point
The more I thought about this game after finishing the more I realized this isn't just worse than BoTW, but it's my 2nd least favorite Zelda game
I fell in love with it at first, hated it, and now I'm pretty warm on the game. Still doesn't come close to any trad 3D Zelda game but I think it's a pretty good game
Not as fun as I remember
Still great, but not best-3D-Sonic-game material
I first played this in co-op and had a great impression of it, thinking it was even better than Sonic 2. I later realized that I felt that way because in co-op I lost control of the characters so often that I pretty much didn't get to engage with the poor level design that much at all. On a single-player playthrough I realized this is a pretty weak game
I get it now
Representing many titles, I've become more receptive to the idea of not having a pause button. I thought this was ridiculous before
I really didn't bother with this one as a kid but it's really something special!


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