My favorite Pokemon game. The story feels cohesive, the gameplay is challenging yet fun, and the access to older Pokemon make this one of the best Pokemon games out there.

A genuinely fun Pokemon game held back by the constant interruptions of cutscenes that make the game nigh unplayable. Just remove them, and this could have been one of the best Pokemon games.

Maybe this game just wasn't for me, but the fights themselves weren't all too fun, but the obscene amount of grinding necessary forced them upon me. The episodic nature of the story was cute and was what kept me going.

A surprisingly fun time. It is not at all like future Persona games, yet still retains the charm that they give off.

Although its graphics are basic, the simple fun of 3D World cannot be overstated. It is just fun, nothing more, nothing less. A great time with friends.

A great Smash game. It feels like it appeals to almost every demographic. Only gripe is that World of Light pales in comparison to the Subspace Emissary.

It's hard to believe that this was the main Smash game at some point since it just feels like a watered down Ultimate at this point. However, a watered down Ultimate is still a good game, especially since it was all we had.

My first ever Smash Bros. game. Sure, in a competitive sense, it struggles. However, in terms of single-player, this game is leagues ahead of anything else in the series. Subspace is such a cool concept that has yet to return in full force.

A very fun game for friends. Compared to other games of the like, such as Wii Sports and 1-2 Switch, this game has a lot of content packed into it, with a crazy amount of variety. Plus, seeing so many Nintendo properties get referenced is nice.

The game feels really unpolished in some areas, such as the graphics. However, there is just so much content packed into this game for me to truly fault it in that way. I'm not a huge fan of modern Fire Emblem, but this game stands out among that crowd as a game I can come back to time and time again.

Yikes. Just like the other Fates games, a bad story really drags it down. However, unlike Conquest, there's also no fun gameplay! The game is super easy, as well as having grinding in a game that crumples under that idea. If you want to experience Fates, just play Conquest.

There is far too much wrong with the story for me to go over, as well as for me to give it a good score. Creepy incest undertones, a ridiculous main character that refuses to learn any life lessons, and a moral that doesn't hold up under any scrutiny. However, the gameplay is actually fun. Good map design, although I don't like its reliance on skills.

This part of the series relies far too much on complicated skills for me to enjoy it. The heavy lean into anime tropes also isn't my cup of tea. But I can acknowledge that the game introduced a lot of people into the franchise, while still keeping the formula somewhat the same.

A fun game. Better maps and more variety than its prequel. Held back a lot by the obnoxious avatar that inserts themselves everywhere.

The original Fire Emblem but again ybe not the ideal way to play Marth's story, as it is either too easy or hard in a way that makes the game feel unbalanced. However, DSFE just feels good in a way akin to the GBA. The artstyle isn't the prettiest, but not ugly in the way people make it out to be. Again, a simple game, but still a fun time.