Though I'm not a speedrunner by any means, I had a lot of fun with this game. It's designed very well in that it allows you to grind out personal bests by being able to quickly restart levels and being able to hop quickly between levels and chapters. The gameplay itself is an optimization puzzle hidden behind a challenging but rewarding execution barrier.

Definitely the most interestingly designed MGS game (and that's saying something), the story is absolutely batshit, as expected, and the gameplay is a really fun sandbox to play around in. However there is some point maybe 1/3 into the game where it starts to get a little tedious. This lasts quite a while, but it picks back up towards the end.

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I wish phantom pain could have been like this. Even though it was only one map, the missions here felt really fun to play through, infiltrating this large compound with little gear. And the story, of course, sets up something very important in the future.

Fun hack and slash style combat, with an absolutely mental storyline. Seeing the MGS saga through to the end has been a great ride.

This game has an interesting message, and I understand the gameplay being "non-gameplay" is meant to play into this, but I barely made it to the end of the game, it's really boring by about half way.

Moody and atmospheric game with a very purposefully vague storyline, pretty great combat, and a whole lot of exploring. Would recommend this to most people.

Probably the most unique RPG maker game I've ever played. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it. For all its great moments, it's quite tedious and I look forward to playing the sequel since that looks like a step in the right direction in terms of gameplay.

Hard to say what hasn't been said, but this game is oozing with style, attitude, and challenging gameplay.

I feel like there's a lot of missed potential here. The graphical style is great, the concept is great, but the gameplay is just... meh...

Funny, tongue in cheek story and dialogue, as well as some interesting design going into the items. Personally, I wasn't a huge fan of the combat, but I stuck it through to the end and it was well worth it!

Decently fun post-void inspired shooter. Movement is smooth, weapons are fun to use. Could do with a bit more content and maybe something to make it stand out a bit more as well.


Dusk was a great introduction to boomer shooters for me, the weapons, enemies and levels are very tightly designed, the boss fights can be pretty fun at times, and the music is fantastic.

One of the games that is pushing the FPS genre in to the new generation. So many ideas that just flow beautifully into the next, the enemies are perfectly designed for the weapons, the levels perfectly designed for the enemies (apart from the purple sludge). And the combat, if you can get into the rhythm of it, just feels amazing to play.


Since I played this after Eternal I'm a bit biased, but I'd say this falls slightly behind eternal in terms of design. The combat was great, and we definately wouldn't have gotten Eternal in the first place without this game, but I can't help feeliing like there's just something missing in 2016. I don't feel free and weightless and flying around the arena like I do in Eternal. Doesn't make it a bad game by any measure but if this game compares to anything it has to be its direct successor.

Great stealth action combat with a fantastic interwoven narrative. While some particular late game sections can be a bit frustrating, overall it's just a well designed and thought out game.