Who knew Herringway would cook right after his Pulitzer winning book "The Old Man and the Sea"?

Extremely versatile and interesting soulslike gameplay. Writing is superb and graphically looks very appealing. Story began very interesting but unfortunately tapered off in its ending. Had a very fun time with this.

Overworld exploration kinda bogus. Animations are unnatural and from hell. Tails deserved more than reused Sonic stages and Amy's levels flat out sucked. But I will never listen to another person on this planet whine to me about Sonic having a rough transition to 3D, this game was fun as balls and, if had the beauty of unbothered time to clean up and fix bugs like Nintendo, could have been a full-fledged banger. Hoping for a remake.

"This is Knuckles, and you've reached the Death Chamber."

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Story was extremely slow to get started, but when it finally started, became the legendary Persona 3 I had heard about for many years.


Genuinely very few complaints about this masterpiece. Art direction is absurdly good it's hard to even imagine how they programmed it to look like you're playing through a storybook. Gameplay itself is phenomenal and they introduce all the game's concepts very well. With it already being a challenge to introduce story to a rougelike game, Hades pulls it off as it complements the events of each of your runs beautifully along with some of the best voice acting I've heard in a game ever. This was a wild time and a highlight of my time playing indie games.

Super cute, nailed the N64 look, very fun and platforming feels great. Love the speed and the feeling of flying all over the levels. Level sizes are good as well. Fairly simplistic and the game could use a small hint screen for the levels.


Being my first ever traditional Zelda game, this was quite an interesting experience. Considering the necessity of book guides during the SNES days, I had assistance of my roommate to help guide me through this game. I was shocked to discover how much content was packed into such a retro title and I've now seen for my own eyes why people love the 2D Zelda formula and this game specifically so much. The dungeons were by far the most fun to plow through since you wouldn't really need any guides and it taught me the many "Zelda"-type puzzles to recognize in future titles. Some small gripes I had include: mediocre combat system, most of the items were very situational and most I don't even think I used more than twice, repetitive music and enemies, and just the fact I had to use a guide to help me so that I didn't have to spend more than 10 hours on the game. Overall, I had a very fun time with this game and will definitely be returning later.

Far and away some of the most fun I've had with a 2D Mario game since my first time playing 3 and World. Delightful art style, hilariously stylistic animations, polished level design, and stage variety all add up to extremely fun experience for both singleplayer and multiplayer. Some very small gripes that could easily be fixed that would allow me to see this as a 5 star would be: more variety in badges, a better difficulty balance late game, and a general shakeup of the formula would all serve this game beautifully. I haven't cared as much about the bosses as most people, seeing how bosses really have never been that important in the series (outside of NSMB DS having some excellent bosses), but I do feel that having new kinds of bosses wouldn't hurt. Overall, this was a very exciting experience. Hopefully Miyamoto will finally let the developers make fun games.

Lives up to its name, many extremely epic and memorable moments came out of here. Combat was fun and difficulty was balanced. End-game side content was pretty fun and I enjoyed the narrative. Repetitive boss fights, somewhat dull storymode puzzles and a strange warping system brought my enjoyment just slightly down enough to not be a 5.

Most levels are decent, some levels suck and some levels do stand out. Almost all bosses are incredibly infuriating, especially the multiple final bosses which are some of the worst designed bosses I've ever attempted. The undeniable mentality I couldn't get over the entire game was: the difficulty feels unfair rather than challenging due to how badly I feel the game was designed/programmed in general. I spent most of my time angry and frustrated when playing. Only better than Sonic 1 for obvious reasons, but Sega really needs to give us something better than this.

Very cute little game, addictive combat. Was quite easy so it was nice to turn my brain off a bit. Dialogue is as hilarious as all other Mario RPGs. Geno is super cool.

Despite being a significantly shorter game than the first Spider-Man, Miles Morales continues to strengthen all of the lovable characters presented in this great story and changes up Miles' moveset enough from Peter's to truly feel like you are playing two separate Spidermen. What might be slightly lacking in the story department, the feel of this game couldn't get any better.

Pikmin 4 is by far and away the most pikmin-like game. This game will singlehandedly satisfy all Pikmin fans for many years to come. Not to even mention the beautiful graphics, sound design and detailed artwork, the sheer variety and level design is the true spectacle in this absolutely masterful 35 hour experience.