Mega Man Games

The Sonic Marathon but a different blue protag this time lol

the best
Very flawed and has problems but honestly is a fun game that managed to improve greatly over MM1. Great music and some really cool weapons I like using outside of boss weaknesses
Mega Man 1 lol, this game is absolutely a crusty game and has many faults but I can't say it wasn't fun to go through. It has such backwards level design that is really counterintuitive but you'd never really see much of this nowadays. Has its own sort of charm about it.
I don't get the hype on this one. This is the point in the series where all other weapons are just boss fodder, and the Top Spin just doesn't work lol. I also absolutely loathe the artificial game lengthening by having to fight 8 robot masters, then the 8 robot masters from 2, then several wily stages, and then the rematches against the 3 robot masters, yeah. Definitely padded out lol
I really need to stop playing this game directly after X1 because I feel it always sours my thoughts on this game. X2 is a perfectly servicable game but man after X1? it's such a drop, the music whilst has a few good tracks (man counter hunter stage 1 might be one of the best), overall the quality of the OST just isnt all there. The weapons are also okay, but not as fun as the prequel.
Arguably the best level design out of the classic era for stages, really fun to blast through all these. The bosses don't really stand out though and the last ones especially suck ass but at least, like I said, the levels are super fun.
Honestly between MM1, MM5 and X3 i could say they're all tied. I think X3 was made purely because capcom clearly had a sequel boner for this series bc mannnnnn it doesn't get much better than X2. whilst the OST has a few more tracks that stand out the other like 70% is the same repititious crap and the damage scaling in this game is fucked. i always go Blizzard Buffolo then Neon Tiger for the Bit and Byte bullshit but wouldnt be surprised if you instead prioritised getting the armor upgrade bc this some bullshit. final boss is probably tied for one of the worst fights in the series too.
it's pretty good, a nice note to end the 8bit nes era of classic megaman. bosses still aren't great but the levels are fun and really cool to explore. music is fantastic, and jet megaman is the best thing in the series and if it isnt brought back i will cry
Definitely feels like this one was made out of obligation to keep the series running but damn does this one have a good soundtrack at least. Levels are hit or miss honestly, and bosses still unremarkable, hell Charge Man can blow my ass but Gravity Man has probably the coolest level in the series up to this point.
mannnnnn i really did try to have high hopes. i always thought well a mega man game on the snes? just play x right? i really did ditch that mindset but even still this game falls so short. it just isnt fun to play through and the last stretch of the game is such a slog, it's so slow. cant stand it. :(
i fucking loathe this game
fuck you cut man you suck ass
Very uhhh nothing? Idk I didn't really feel much playing this game. Quint is the most out of nowhere fight that doesnt even feel like a boss but people hate him? He literally does nothing lol
they really just took the worst of mm3 and mm4 and called it a game huh
now this surprised me, albeit had a mega man 3 issue of going on longer than it needed to, full original content? feels like a solid conclusion to the handheld titles which is always good. actually a fun time!
it exists just to exist. there is hardly anything here to distinguish is from the previous entries.
the wily tower is cool just wish it had better designed levels. the idea of taking any 8 powers from mm1, mm2 and mm3 and items is so cool tho. do it more. otherwise just play the originals and dont play 3. ost is botched af too lol


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