Practically on par with the original. Great story, fluid as hell gameplay, really good game.

I played this for this time on Switch, but I tried to remain in the mindset of someone playing this on release in 1997. I was continually in awe as I played. It’s ambition for its time is truly remarkable, and I can’t wait to play the remake trilogy.

What an absolute blast. Zero Mission is still my favorite I believe, but this is pretty damn close. Difficult but fair. Samus is badass. Beautiful looking game and dreadful atmosphere (ha). The complete package.

Fun! But not as fun as the main game.

The side missions felt tedious to get through compared to main game somehow. And the main story isn’t as interesting, but the DLC usually isn’t anyway. The banter between Peter and Miles was my favorite part. Screwball was my least favorite part.

I loved Crash Nitro Kart and Crash Twinsanity a ton as a kid, and the N-Sane trilogy has been on my radar since launch. Not that I finally have a PS5, I feel like it was time to give this trilogy a shot.

I had a ton of fun with this first entry! Difficult at times, but very rewarding once you make it through. Any time I felt frustrated, I stopped playing for the day and tried again tomorrow, and I usually made it within a few tries at that point. Fantastic platformer with a lot of character and charm. Reminds of both Pac-Man World 1 and 2, and that’s always a great thing.

This is just soooo gooood dude. My previous (and first) playthrough was the PC version, which is logged as the PS4 version here on Backloggd. I’m very happy I chose to replay this as my first game on PS5. Not only does the Remastered version look gorgeous on an actual 4K display, this is a game that deserves the grandeur that comes with the TV-console setup. A fantastic combination of enthralling gameplay and a captivating story. So excited to play the sequels.

Omg that was so much fun, and a great introduction to the PS5. Loved it!

I played this game a ton as a kid, yet I never played the original on Wii U. With an intent to play said game, I wanted to revisit this prequel first. With an aged-up lens, this game definitely shows its flaws. The world is sectioned off rather than truly open, which works for a handheld device but makes for less interesting gameplay, as missions can't be designed to have you leave the city area you began in. I had plans to 100% game, but as I began trying to find each of the collectibles in the first area, I realized how much of a slog that would be for nothing more than to finally say I played this game through to the absolute end. The main missions might be worth playing if you're a diehard LEGO game fan, but otherwise, the console version will likely suffice.

A great parkour game with really bad combat elements. I’ve played the first two or so levels tons of times with this being one of my first Games with Gold titles, but I’m glad I finally revisited to completion. I want to play more games from this era.

I 100%ed every game in this 3 game collection that should really have 4 lol.

Finally 200%ed this game after all these years. It feels very cathartic to completely complete the game you loved as a kid. Thank you Super Mario Galaxy.

Completed 100cc only with NSO Rewind feature

Time travel is awesome!

I replayed half of the Great Plateau on Wii U, then reopened my 2017 era Switch save file to beat Ganon again ahead of Tears of the Kingdom.

Those 20 minutes on the Great Plateau were honestly some of the best action-based gameplay I’ve played in a long time. No joke. People dick ride this game (including me) and rightfully so, cause it’s so damn good and you know why. I’ve been resurfacing all my memories of my own playthrough of this game just by watching YouTube videos and such of this game, and I remember that playthrough so fondly. Truly a once-in-a-lifetime type of video game, except not really cause Aonuma has likely cooked yet again come Friday. So damn excited.

A Zelda game being good? Who would have thought?

But seriously, this is the best 2D Zelda that I have played. It takes Link to the Past, an already spectacular game, and builds on it even more with some of the "reapproach Zelda conventions" design philosophy that Breath of the Wild would eventually take even further. I am glad I was able to finish this before Tears of the Kingdom comes out soon.