Really good game, but left somewhat unfinished.

Great gameplay and story, something for everyone to enjoy.

Dark souls 1, with worse lighting and bonfire animations.

Great game, oozing with passion. If you don't mind playing a game with controls that are very unlike modern shooters, give this a shot right away.

Messy characters and plot, but really good atmosphere and an eventually quite enthralling gameplay loop, even though it has several questionable game play choices.

Gameplay is a bit dated, but the character interaction and overall narrative are an absolute blast. The atmosphere isn't anything to shake a stick at either. The starting point for one of the greatest game series of all time, go check it out.

This game changed my understanding of what games could be. I'll never have a gaming experience like this one that could top it.

I prefer personas 3 and 4, but still a great game, with not too many issues. Narrative falls apart a bit at the end though.

One of the greatest gameplay packages ever created.

A masterpiece in interweaving the serious and the silly. This game is packed with an unreasonable amount of great content that can enjoy for weeks while still discovering new things.

In terms of gameplay, narrative and atmosphere, this game is a king. One of the games I've replayed the most times. Each play-through is an incredibly tight experience going through very well designed encounters that test your skill and game knowledge. Highly recommend.

Real tight package that leaves very little to be desired, great game.

Not a big fan of the single player in this game. The character writing was weak and the dialogue wasn't impressive. Massive fan of the co-op mode, solving puzzles with friends in portal is a blast.