This is the peak of gaming. The benchmark of awfulness.
The standard to which every horrendous game developer should hold themselves to. An absolute masterclass in which nobody gets to enjoy anything.

Mostly bought this to fill the old "Disco Elysium" void and enjoyed it so much that I can now call it the "Disco Elysium and Citizen Sleeper " void whenever I get the urge to play games similar to this.

My fondest memory of this game is accidentally chucking my Wii-mote out of my window because I was so happy that I finally beat the last green star level and got all the stars.

Turns out it was more than just nostalgia on replay not too long ago because while difficulty was obviously gone after being molded into a true gamer after many years, the simple joy of playing this game and vibing to the soundtrack and the colors and all the crazy planets still held up for me.

When I think greatness in a videogame, this is the first game to comes to mind. It is not my favorite game but there's just so much to love. The art, the music , the variety in bosses, the difficulty that rode that fine line of a fun challenge and the occasional bump in the road that needed to be overcome.
(Now this is without the run and gun levels because they should not exist and the longer it has been since I played the game ,the easier it is to just not acknowledge them.)

I don't have too much nostalgia bait because I started gaming somewhat later than most. But if we're talking nostalgia this is the one. From sneaking downstairs early mornings to play and experience an incredible world and somehow not minding the clunky wii controls. I had a great time with this one and I still use the music to assist while I'm studying or just relaxing.

If there's ever a time where you're out of ideas on what to play just play this game. Yakuza 0 will provide you with so much stuff that it'll be impossible to get bored even through 60+ hours (at least for me). Combine with the incredible music and an amazing story and this game is easily a top 5 game of all time to me.

This duology was already gonna be among my favorite games in the ace attorney franchise but by god the last case is far and away the greatest case ever made. I have no notes and I unironically got incredibly hyped for a VN. What a time to be alive.

I never thought I'd find a game that edges out AA3 in this series for me but here we are.

Sometimes you just gotta let your inner superstar cop out and ride the wave to success.

I have a yearly Christmas day tradition to replay this game and I'd say that's all that needs to be said.
Zenith of the medium and a true masterpiece.


For a game I spent entirely too much time in (just about 3000 hours or more) I honestly don't have too many feelings on it at this point. I enjoyed most of my time with and the crew I was playing with but I also have no wish to ever return on a more permanent basis.

Honestly way too similar to the first one but I still enjoyed it until they made me go for like 3 extra fortresses after my first great triumph and I had to call it quits on my orc slavery career out of sheer tedium.

Very cool-looking evolution on the pokemon genre that got a little too tedious to be fully enjoyable to me. Still the creative vision for both music and design of cassette beasts and other enemies will be memorable for quite some time.

Really charming little collectathon. Has a lot of Pikmin influence without the time limit (thank god).