Very ambitious. A logical evolution on the Doom 2016 formula. I appreciate what Eternal was going for but it didn't vibe with me as much.

The combat is a bit loose and weightless. Aside from that the game is basically perfect.

I played this for 100 hours and didn't finish the main quest.

Full length AAA Portal is still very good but suffers from a flabby middle portion. The original never overstays its welcome, whereas Portal 2 spends too much time on creating large environments with 1 square foot of wall you can place a portal on to move to the next large room. The puzzles have that Valve charm that keeps me coming back to this game over and over.

Better than the original. The de facto zombie game for many years.

Overly ambitious in its design resulting in major cuts having to be made to get it out the door. As a result the story is obviously truncated as is the level design. The ending also makes no sense. The presentation and atmosphere saves this.

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Starts off really strong with the opening village and castle sections, sags a bit in the middle when Ethan goes after the other lords. Drastically shifts in tone with Chris's section and continues with the action up to the ending. Overall fairly inconsistent but I had fun.

Sometimes a dad needs to kill a few gods to bond with his son.

Writing is top notch. One of the first I remember feeling like characters in a video game were real people.

One of those perfect experiences you can rarely find.

Much more fun to go back to than Fallout 3. The amount of depth and character Obsidian managed to put in this game is crazy.

Gameplay is good but the story, music, and presentation are the real stars.


This is how you make Doom work in the modern gaming space.

Alan Wake shows us how hard it is being an asshole writer with a loving wife.