FromSoftware prove once again that they are the masters of the genre they created. Elden Ring takes all the best bits of their previous games and drops them into a gargantuan open world. Perhaps most impressive is how FS avoid all the trappings of modern open world games, focusing instead on the thrill of discovery; a thrill they manage to sustain for upwards of 150 hours. An unprecedented achievement.

One of the best games I've ever played. I could go on all day about Hollow Knight's many pleasures--its singular art style, cryptic narrative, its pantheon of stellar boss battles--but I think what I most appreciate about it is its willingness to be weird. Few games these days commit so brazenly to the bit, and Hollow Knight is all the better for it.

A superlative remake. Required reading for any horror fan.

One of the best puzzle games ever made. Certainly the funniest. We are still chasing the high of Portal 2 many, many years later.

I still think this is the best RE remake of them all.

Playing Disco Elysium has the same effect as reading a truly great novel. It is a revelation.

FromSoftware's hardest game, and also one of its best, which, if you know the studio, is saying a lot.

Quite possibly the best game ever made.

Red Dead 2 could make a psychopath cry.

A metatextual tour-de-force. Sometimes it feels like AWII is being clever for the sake of being clever, but on the whole, this is a gloriously weird game. They don't make 'em like this anymore, except they do, and they have.

Proves that there is plenty of mileage left in tank-control horror. Signalis is enigmatic to the last. I still have no idea what happened. And I love it.

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Say what you will about TLOU2, it does something spectacular with player agency. Forcing me to play as both Abbie and Ellie meant that I had empathy for them both. I didn't want either of them to die, but was forced to participate in the violence they sought against each other. This bakes the themes of the narrative right into the gameplay, making the most of the medium, and I can only applaud games that manage to achieve such a feat.