Hard to really describe this game because it's simultaneously a 1/10 and a 10/10

I can only respect this game due to the love I have for NieR. Every good idea in this game was wasted by lacklustre execution and just awful, awful gameplay.

Rather rough around the edges but a good remaster nonetheless.

[ARR Only] Utterly joyless story. Having a friend group to suffer through it with made it bearable.

The best shooter. No disagreements allowed.

My feelings on this game are far too complicated to explain. Despise how Psyonix has handled this game the past few years but it still is a game I have kept on playing through the years.

Rushed, half-assed romance moments featuring boring characters mixed in with shitty creepypasta-tier horror make for one hell of a mid experience.

[Emulated] Loved the story for the most part. There's definitely parts where I was just bored but it ends off on a strong note nonetheless.

The gameplay is a tougher pill to swallow. The main combat is fine but the slow nature of most battle animations and the trudge through hell that is Tartarus sours the experience far too much for me to enjoy it fully.