Conceptually this game is very appealing and I think I would like it if it wasn't because the constant rotation and color changing legitimately hurts my eyes, I end up with a headache and can't play for long. Sorry.

One of the best action games on the PS2 and the best Shinobi game, in my opinion.

The best third person shooter.

I don't like MK all that much to begin with but this game is a legitimate insult to the series. Real fucking bad.

The best Shoot em up of the console. It's true that the Mega Drive/Genesis had a bigger selection but this is just as good as some of the best ones on that console.

Legitimately one of my favorites of the genre.


At this point Minecraft is a classic, and deservedly so.

This game is insane, like a lot of games where Kawazu is involved in the design, you will probably hate it but it will click if there is something wrong with you.

I liked it.

Basically better than IV in almost every way. I love this game, and I already liked IV a lot.

It's not my favorite in the series but it's up there, I don't really understand or agree with the complaints some peopel have about the story, if I have to hear people complain about how the characters are bad and about the Power of Friendship trope again I'm going to get an aneurysm.

And yes you need to play IV first to completely understand this one since it's kinda like a sequel and also a "what if" scenario. Anyway, I really really like this game, it's almost 5 stars but not quite. (EDIT: After thinking a lot about this game after weeks of finishing it, it does deseves 5 stars. Honstly it's on my top 5 SMT games)

People who play TH games definitely have their brain wired differently than I do because these controls are insane and I don't get it.

The soundtracks are pretty fantastic.

Probably my favorite of the collectathon platformers of this era, very simple and fun. The sequels tried to keep things fresh by adding minigames and I think they're less fun as a result.

Short and sweet. It has some really interesting mechanics and navigation is really fun, although I'd say the signposting in some levels is pretty bad and the objective is not very clear.

I would still say it's a very worthwile experience, even if the story is a tad forgettable.