It's fine, but I expected more after 7 years.

We used the play the shit out of these minigames.

The script was actually good. Nothing else was though.

Better than most other open world RPGs of the past two gens, cause, y'know, the combat was actually good.

Chrome Dino is cute, I can't lie.

The really babified this series after FE8.

The BF everyone else hates, I like. Who'd a thunk it.

I don't like racing games, but this one is alright.

This was the best BR until Warzone came out.

Played ME1, ME2, and ME3 back to back to back and the fatigue hit me like a ton of bricks. Quit the game cold turkey and never went back.

Ultimate is pretty much a better version of this, but I kind of liked how slow this was lol.

Can't spell Assassin's Creed without Ass. Twice.