Had a ton of fun pulling this one apart. It was a total delight to discover how the grammar for each language works, and the final translation quests really felt like a victory lap. Big recommendation for fans of logic puzzles.

Chill as fuck ascent. Something about the practice of looking for your next step in combination with the controls tied to specific handholds just works beautifully. I felt so at peace playing this and now I kinda wanna rock climb IRL

A cute little puzzle game that will twist your brain in the most delightful ways as you find your way through recursive, beautiful worlds

Free-form exploration and underwater terror has never been so good.

Daniel Mullins really said touch grass

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Perfect complement to the original. Just to gush about some moments that took my breath away:

1) The first crash into the river of the Stranger was fucking incredible. So grateful we live in an age when games can render so far out because getting to witness the ring world in a single glance was chef's kiss.

2) The first time stepping into one of the secret fire rooms creeped me the fuck out; something about seeing the corpses and realizing I'd been stomping around in what was essentially a massive graveyard.

3) Which was only topped by running into one of the horned owls in the simulation and being like, oh damn you guys are STILL AROUND. Like seeing a ghost, but this one wants to eat you.

4) I'm soooo impressed that, with minimal actual horror game elements but maximum environmental storytelling, I was so creeped out by the dream. Had to walk away from the game for a week before I could step out into the darkness.

The absolute total joy of completing an intricately-crafted logic puzzle. Sublime af.

This game fucking rules. So easy to pick up, so hard to set down, and so satisfying when you find the solution to your struggle. The answers are all right in front of you

This genre isn't for me. Was a delight to run around with my friends but in the end I was like, I'm just hitting things to hit more things to... hit more things? No thanks.

I didn't know it before playing this but all I've ever wanted to be is a little nonbinary bug with a sword 🥺😍

The controls are so fucking on point. Every platformer should feel as smooth as flying around as Ori. Combat is a ~huge~ step up from Blind Forest, and the aesthetics of the forest are totally incredible. I just want to hang out with giant toad man forever.

Such a solid little puzzle game. Never particularly difficult, just enough to give you that little bit of joy on each step. And the style, mood is just so on point. A pleasant walk home.

Just a little android trying to keep yourself and your friends alive, no writing hits harder at the end of the world than this.

Would be a five-star for sure if I hadn't quickly a means to easily maintain my character's body - the atmosphere was absolutely strongest when I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it to the next day.

I gasped audibly multiple times while playing this. It's beautifully hand-drawn, inventive/one-of-its-kind, and it sticks around only as long as the mechanics remain compelling.

Honestly best co-op experience thus far in my life. Single player is pretty fun too! I love when games are funny and cute.