shout out to my loyal pawns ella purnell, paul atreides, ice spice and Gary. you guys really carried me through this.

obviously some astonishing cinematic presentation going on here and I did get a lot out of that. I love the eerie landscapes, the giants, anything about it that's spooky and haunting. unreal engine 5 you are so beautiful.

but it really doesn't cut it as a game. I'm not opposed to walking sims or cinematic games but this thing constantly undercuts itself by introducing opportunities for meaningful gameplay and just not really letting you interact with them at all. it feels frustrating for that reason, like you're being shown a game that looks fun but you're not allowed to play it.

I think better writing could've carried it regardless but we don't really get that either, and the final message it seems to land on is so jarring and poorly conceived that it goes a long way towards spoiling the whole thing. a shame, but still just about worth the short play through.

a genuinely original 3D platformer, which is rare and great to see. I sort of flew through it without ever feeling hooked - and it can be janky and frustrating at times. I felt like I never fully understood the movement system but when I could get momentum going it felt great. still I really appreciate what they've accomplished here and would definitely recommend it for fans of the genre.

just revising my score. it's perfect.

really dislike the approach they took visually with this remake - the SNES game looked so much better. and to be honest the game doesn't hold up all that well in this format. fine enough as a comfort game but never really engaging.

can't believe I beat my first run by playing high card every round this is ridiculous

no mercy for malformed things

god bless your gentle soul ichiban kasuga

like a prototype for the much more accomplished and coherent Viewfinder - but still pretty neat

time to admit I'm not actually going to be finishing this any time soon. which is a shame because it's great - I've just moved on to other things.

these guys have discovered the one weird trick for giving your storytelling guaranteed stakes and tension. I'm thrilled!

this is just like me and my 10,000 homies