The reason I rate this game lower than its prequel is it brought nothing new to the table. This is why I believe it lost GOTY to the (deserving in my opinion) Elden Ring. This game was in graphical areas an improvement on its prequel, however the 'walking simulator' was the same and the combat felt identical. Now this game wasn't 'bad' by any means, it just wasn't what I think anyone was expecting after 6 years of development. Also the story was a drag to get to the final war, and that in the end was extremely rushed and I think felt anti-climactic.

Playing this with an idiot is the worst experience I have ever had, and the puzzles feel kind of meaningless not to mention the walls ruined the 'portal-ing' experience for me.

This is one of the greatest games I have ever played, yes the combat is repetitive I understand that but at the end of the day it does what it set out to do, create an immersive world in which an impactful story about a gang in the late 1800's can be told. it did this perfectly and I think this is one of the greatest games of all time.

I have to agree with another reviewer on here @Elchupacabruh, this game is incredible, hits all marks that it needed too and was graphically beautiful, the story was actually insane and made you feel like you could change the course of this universe's history. And the combat system is hands down one of the best in gaming history so far. However I agree that this is a one time play, it's not a game you can easily pick up again and replay as the impact of playing the story for the first time makes up for a lot of it's promise. Still a great game but lacks replayability.

Top tier game with a great story and graphics/mechanics that still hold up today. My only issue with this game is similar to that of red dead redemption 2, the combat and mission are repetitive, the comedy of this game makes it seem less noticeable than in rdr2 but it still is an issue. plus online sucks ass.

Such a great souls game, timeless classic and set the standard for modern rpg games. Elden Ring and Bloodborne shitstomp it though.

fuck off. yes I hate this game because I'm shit at it so what?

This game's ability to tell a story and leave such an incredible impact on the player is ridiculous (in a positive way). I was absolutely bamboozled when I put the controller down after finishing this game for the first time, I adored it then, I do now, and I always will. However this game perfectly demonstrates sony and naughty dog's incapability to develop a game that isn't a home cinema movie. This game lacks the ability to keep a player wanting to play the game simply because of the gameplay (part 2 fixed this). Therefore it misses the mark on that front for me.

Basically my part one review but with added yay points for immersive gameplay. This game was genuinely scary to play and fun to see Ellie's story play out. But I'm praying they remove the boat scene in the new remake.

Yet another example of sony and naughty dog's incapability to make a game that isn't focused on being a cinematic masterpiece and rather focuses on immersive gameplay. It's not that the gameplay is bad, not at all, I just don't believe it warrants above a 4 rating with the likes of ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring, cyberpunk and the batman Arkham series. The graphics are incredible and the world building is immense. Just the gameplay is overwhelmingly repetitive and over the top dramatic for what it's actually portraying.

I thought this game was brilliant. I had no problems with focusing the attention on miles rather than Peter as this was not a direct sequel and rather a spin off. Miles felt like a breath of fresh air from the usual mature but comical Peter we all know and love, I think the series needed that. However the game was far too short to warrant the same rating as the original. The story was great and had potential to be as good as the first but was extremely rushed (probably in part to it being developed during the Covid-19 pandemic). But credit where it's due, its a great game.

what happened blizzard?? oh I know... JUSTICE FOR LOOT CRATES!!

Since the bugs have been 'fixed' this game really did live up to its mark. Granted I may have a bit of bias as I went onto this game after watching edgerunners on Netflix, however I genuinely enjoyed this game. The bugs that still existed were harmless and funny to see actually. The gameplay was awesome, similar to a sort of souls game in the way you can approach the game in different ways using various builds. And most of all with this game was the art style and graphics. I have never ever played another game that had me so immersed into the story that I genuinely could not stop playing, the city is beautiful and it partners perfectly with the gruelling story. Since the newest update I haven't played it but I have heard from other people that it is better than before so if I do replay it, it could become a 5.

Mojang Cooked. Microsoft overcooked, but it's still a 5 star meal.