this was IT! the sequel was also perfect. hated the third one though (world tour)

sooo much fun. these kinds of games where you queue up actions in the most efficient order tickle my autistic brain in the perfect way

my dad was really into this game, he had the joystick controller and everything. i never worked out how to fly the planes and it stressed me out to stall and crash but i definitely had fun

sadly i wasn't allowed to have this one as a kid. i had a brief opportunity to play it as a grown-up but not enough to rate it. one day i'll get a virus-free complete collection of the sims that actually works on modern OS

the mechanics of this are some of the worst imaginable but i still remember this game so clearly. i also clearly remember getting it as well - my parents bought it from like, an australian equivalent of the dollar store.

a rare 4-player game that allowed people to jump in and out at any point of the story, even in the middle of a level, which was absolutely perfect for my family. we played this game together A LOT. it was not prohibitively challenging even for the youngest players and the difficulty curve was fantastic.

the items in this pack were elite! so many iconic buy mode objects. i wanted those inflatable chairs, the tiki stuff, the slot machine, the buffet tables and the turkey dinners, and the STRIPPER CAKE!!! and these are just the ones i remember. i know there were soooo many more.

as i am thinking about this pack i feel wistful about how the sims was originally an adult game. the teen rating on sims 4 is part of the reason it's gone downhill imo. the original sims game and its expansions WENT THERE

this pack was the ultimate pinnacle of the sims and what it was trying to say about culture as a whole at the time. everything was so garish and outrageous. every room was a different neon colour with bright geometric carpets and wallpapers, there were robot butlers and genie lamps, if your needs got too low a gd clown would show up at your door. magical.

i never properly worked this out, i think i was too young, but building the basic machines and making them go was so much fun

i remember the make up minigame being so much fun, like picking different shades from the pallets and applying it to the creepy bratz face lmao

i don't remember this one as clearly as bratz the movie but i don't think i ever finished it because the music minigames were so fiddly

first time i played this in 2018 i thought why would they even make a game that is literally impossible. but i started playing it again in 2020 and it just clicked and i was like ohhhhhh this game is great. it's fantastic that it works so well remotely, i've spent many hours playing with my siblings which was a lifeline during the pandemic. i do wish there were some more levels for versus and arcade tho (that aren't expensive dlc), we've pretty much played out every good one.

could never get past that god damn escalator and got lost in the dark basement