insanely fun combat, excellent voice acting (clive in particular), and soken's music is amazing (tho it's a bummer he's limited to classical here, aside from the titan lost theme for example)

i'm not the same person i was before this game

janky and sometimes frustrating, but i had an absolute blast going through this with a friend. going for that no kill run was tough cause hoo boy are there some npcs that you just wanna bite

i'll always remember my first run. met up with another player, and they stayed with me the entire way through. towards the end, we got separated and i fell behind. when i finally reached the summit, i found them there, waiting for me. they drew half of a heart in the snow, and i completed it. together we walked to the end. i think of this often.

austin wintory's score for this game is a masterpiece


incredibly well-written, gorgeous pixel art, and evocative music. it's weird and funky - hilarious at times and deeply intimate and melancholy at others. the sci-fi/magical realism of the world (a neo-louisiana) had me hooked immediately.

fantastic writing that had me beyond eager to discover what new twists and revelations lay around every corner, with the entire main cast being super engaging. also really enjoyed the music and art style. the RTS gameplay was alright and perfectly fine, but i didn't feel it was anything Special, you know?

super fun, and i do so love the worldbuilding and all the different documents you can find scattered throughout the FBC. definitely a personal fave, it has so much style

definitely a special game here that i continue to think about, despite having finished this a year ago. the music and the art style all work wonderfully together, and even though the game is quite slow at points, the ending makes it all worth it.

kim kitsuragi is my best friend :)

this left me a blubbering, sobbing mess at the end. man. this really got me.

a little janky at times but i had fun!

oh i really got absorbed in this game. i love the combat and the worldbuilding; the origin characters are fantastic (definitely play as one of them for the best experience though!)

it does stumble some in its final act, and i didn't find beast as fleshed out as the other characters. but all in all, love this game.

what an incredibly beautiful game that i wish i could play for the first time again

absolutely gorgeous art direction here, and i had a blast figuring out each mystery, even if i found a couple of them to be a little obtuse for my liking

for as rough as this game is, it's still the most fun i've had playing pokemon in a long time