I'd consider it From's Magnus Opus. However, as much as I loved it and enjoyed getting lost in the open world I still enjoyed Sekiro and Bloodborne just a little bit more.

Really amazing game. I really haven't "beaten" it yet because I haven't unlocked all of the endings to get the full story. One of these days!

I never played the OG version of the game so I don't have the nostalgia bias but I can say as a standalone game I really loved it. Great atmosphere, gameplay and violence. Really creepy in some sections! Competent AI as well and the escort missions never felt irritating.

A hard as fuck pixelated narrative-driven platformer. This one will make you want to rip your hair out of your head, but you'll keep coming back to play more. It's great, I recommend it highly for those looking for a real challenge.

One of my (and everyone else's) all-time favorite games. Played it on release and just kept coming back for more. I've gotten all of the endings but still haven't gotten all of the trophies. Curse the fucking beast claws in those chalice dungeons!


An awesome indie narrative-driven, dystopian future game where you play as a cute ass orange cat. I enjoyed my time with this one immensely and am hoping for a sequel with added mechanics and some more world expansion!

Insane this was a ps4 game. Absolute behemoth that is endlessly expansive and intriguing. I loved it. I would have given it 5 stars but the end-game kind of ruined it for me. The epilogue went on too long and I didn't really care for it. I think Arthur was a better protagonist than John as well. We did not need a re-hash of his story following Arthur's

I can't get enough Metal Gear. Each game is just a masterpiece in its own way. I think this is deserving of a remaster or sequel. Raiden is too good of a character to not continue his story.

Made me cry. An amazing game. Some of the best narrative beats and set pieces I've ever seen in a video game.

I actually just beat this for the first time a few weeks ago. Playing it on my ps2 22 years after it originally released really transported me back to when I was young and would sit in front of the tv and marvel at amazing games like this. It's truly a fucking masterpiece. It got everything right. All of our dependence on tech, everything. It's quite eerie how much it predicted. There's just so much to dissect. Please play it.


The most recent game I have completed as of writing this review.

You play as Kay, a nomad who ran away from home. This is a dystopian near future southern-gothic pixel art point-and-click adventure game and it's fucking great. Endlessly pessimistic and creepy, I couldn't put it down until I completed the game. There are multiple endings so if you do end up playing it be sure to do all of the side objectives and pay attention if you want the "good" ending. I may revisit to get all of the trophies. It's worth your time even if you don't typically play games like this.

absolute cheeks, but for whatever reason whenever I replay the original trilogy I never skip it, typically beating it in under 2 hours. It's just boring and bland. Hold square and kill everything. With all of the remakes capcom is doing I'd love to see them take a crack at this one and make it kickass like the rest of the games.

playing this in 2023 is an absolute blast. Yes, the controls are dated and quality of life improvements were updated to make the sequels a better experience but this shit came out in fucking 1998 dude. It is insane how advanced this thing is for its time. I can very clearly see why it's regarded as the best ps1 game of all time, it deserves a spot up there with the best of them.

In my opinion, this one sits right under 2. Acting as a prequel to metal gear solid 1 & 2 you get to go back to see where it all began and man is it just amazing. The HD version is just an updated version of subsistence, which if you don't know added a dynamic camera angle and allowed you to switch between fixed and fluid with the press of a button. It really adds to the experience. The story in this is less convoluted (for a metal gear game) and will blow you away if you aren't familiar. Konami, please don't fuck up the remake, I beg of thee.

MGS the movie. Did you know this shit has 8 hours of cutscenes and video calls in it? And you know what? I watched the shit out of all of it and loved every second. What an amazing end to Solid Snake's story. Full of twists and turns and updated gameplay mechanics to go along with the (at the time) next gen hardware. Rest easy Snake, you deserve it.