"i have no interest in this whatsoever but it looks like garbage"

most everything i consume is done on a whim decision. i trust my gut, and i rarely pick out things i don't like. these are things that my impulses tell me to avoid for one reason or another. despite that, i'll probably eventually try them regardless just for the hell of it

inspired by a joke a friend made on discord

this aesthetic is basically a concentrated formula of things that don't appeal to me at all
i dunno man i don't even like the mother series very much as is - let alone ripoffs of it. i'll try it eventually though. maybe. probably
i dunno. it looks well made, but i think the lack of a strong aesthetic makes me care less
if you catch me playing a moba then there's a very likely possibility that my identity is being stolen
ah, finally - a new rpg inspired by The Greats - harkening back to what made this long dead genre so powerful in the first place. The Real Chrono Trigger 2 is here. at long last!
get the fuck out of here
everyone i know who likes this has shit taste + it looks like the most boring fucking thing in the world
too many mother knockoff vibes but i'll try it anyway sometime
i'm not sociopathic enough to find these games interesting
i guess i'm not so repelled by this as much as i am just not eager to read another long vn with ass pacing
i've played the first part of this and hoo boy do i not like it
it looks really-bland and:i dont[really] fuck with it (AT;all)
motherfucker if i wanna play mario rpg i'll just go play mario rpg
western, medieval fantasy - my favorite!
i dunno man it just looks dumb as fuck
the only western vn i have any intention to read is turboroko
a catch-all for most anything by 07th expansion. no thank you
anything to do with neptunia looks like an amalgamation of the worst things i've ever seen


3 years ago

seething so hard rn

3 years ago


3 years ago

how to piss off half your friends: the list
Outside of Bug Fables (Haven't played it but it looks cool), I agree with all of these picks.

3 years ago

iunno man the portrait style of disco elysium is pretty distinct to me
also i made this list before you bro ripoff idea-er
I like the idea of a list like this. Though if I were to make one...it probably be long. As you can probably tell by my avatar, am kinda bummed about Fate. I do agree with Trails in the Sky though. I tried to like the Trials series with Cold Steel and there not good. Even as someone with "shit taste". There pretty boring and hard to stomach. Killed any interest to play more entries.

3 years ago

disco elysium's style may be technically impressive enough but by golly if it isn't the least interesting looking thing to me. i've never been a fan of that whole splotchy-painting style. also i did see your list but i was gonna make something like this anyway. i did check on yours to get some ideas though lmao

and yeah trails' whole aesthetic feels to me like it's produced by a factory that serves to create generic jrpgs. no amount of "bro the lore's so deep!!!" can get me interested in that

3 years ago

says the guy who added "alien shooter" to his wishlist smh tbh ngl imo

3 years ago

yea that might be amusing

3 years ago

time for me to add "anime girl rpg" and "human fighter" to my list

3 years ago

could hit

3 years ago

uh oh, based!

3 years ago

I'm thinkin based on all of these picks
how do i reply
how do i reply

3 years ago

good for you good for you

3 years ago

unbased! cringe!
damn yeah i 100% agree on trails. i hate the opinions of almost everyone who loves that series and from the hour or so i played of the first game, it was painfully boring and very clearly 90s-jrpg style nostalgia bait.

the only thing i’ve played here is fate, and i would suggest it, for what it’s worth

3 years ago

yeah i'm honestly interested in fate since some of my friends really like it, but i expect it to be one of those "it gets good after x amount of time" things. also i'm spoiled on a lot of things in it lmao
Can i get a hoyaaa

2 years ago

Dude don't read or watch fate trust me don't waste your time with this shitty franchise

8 months ago

i havent played omori and only a little bit of undertale (did not like undertale it was straight face gang throughout my time with it) but i say, lisa tops both of those in alot of aspects. its really funny and genuinely terrifying. the combat is rpg but it isnt mind bogglingly boring and generic, it does take thinking and its neat to pair up your silly members to make a sick combo. idk i recommend the game its not too much like every other earthbound inspired rpg (btw i hate the sub genre name for it)

8 months ago

@imshitting420 yeah it being here is kinda misleading at this point. less a matter of if and more when

8 months ago

2 years and still no lies here! buh buh buh BAAAAYZED!

8 months ago

The baldurs gate and bug fables one is true as fuck

8 months ago

@killbutt hey there's an exception for everything

8 months ago

The name of this list reminded me of this random Yakuza screenshot I took. I knew it would come in handy one day!

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