remakes that cause damage

this is a companion to remakes that can replace

the criteria is effectively the opposite. the games listed here will either be harmful to the original's image, or "remasters" that are broken in ways that make them all around worse to play (silent hill hd collection is the perfect example of this)

suggestions are welcome, but inclusions are strict (no sotc 2018 - the aesthetic is marginally altered but the identity of the game is fully intact and it controls identically)

have you ever wondered what it'd be like to play a game designed for two analog sticks on a console with only one?
thank god the original is translated now
big fan of ports of old games that look inexplicably and inarguably worse than their original versions
man what the fuck is this shit. there's three of these??
airbrushed ass game with other bad choices. backlashed so hard the devs included the original version as a free 'bonus'
bad buggy port. only buy this to download the original blood instead
game dev dont release a broken buggy pc port challenge minute 1
there's no reason to play anything other than the original release for a multitude of reasons
when the game is identical but buggier
edge case - this game is fine, really (art direction aside) but the hitboxes are wonkier and make a decent amount of the platforming much stricter than it's supposed to be
haphazardly remodels a cult classic with no regard whatsoever for its art direction

completely identical gameplay tho!
genuinely what the fuck happened here
horrendously ugly mobile port that undersells how gorgeous of a game the original is
totally fucked models particularly on x. x-2 is mostly fine because the models weren't remade, but everyone in x looks like they've been dolled up for shitty beauty commercials. yuna especially is incapable of having facial expressions
who would've thunk porting mobile ports to modern systems wouldn't be ideal
pointless to play this version when all it does is play exactly the same and introduce new bugs
controls poorly and looks like shit
while the fully voiced cutscenes are an arguable improvement, the identity of the gba release is sacrificed in favor of asset recycling from kh1

the gameplay is also extremely fucking confusing and generally sours the reputation of the original
uglier and lacks content from the original (despite having some new modes of its own)

fine for a returning fan but not ideal for getting through the base game
pretty easily the worst version of klonoa to play due to its drab visuals

even if you don't want to play the ps1 original (for whatever reason) phantasy reverie's version is just a more faithful rendition of this wii port anyway
neutered bosses (among other babified mechanic changes) and completely different art direction. never trust a developer who hates their own work on god
they fucked up the hitboxes and made it ugly
effectively a different game from the 360 release

the ps3 couldn't handle the high amount of enemies on-screen, so they were cut substantially and buffed to compensate. this makes dismemberment (a core mechanic in the original release) a complete pain in the ass

sigma 1 is also on thin ice, but it's not nearly as fucked up as this
edge case - if the braindead, godawful gameplay here has turned you away, try the fan translation of the ps1 version and see if you prefer that

the psp port makes localization improvements and increases the overall speed of the game, but this is at the cost of it becoming the literal easiest jrpg you may ever play

seriously - i never game-overed once in this entire thing. it's fucking braindead
catch-all for persona 3 rereleases

p3 portable: the unambiguous flaw here is the lack of anime cutscenes. some people prefer the vn format for exploration but most do not. direct party control is contentious, but it cannot be denied that its inclusion began to muddy the reputation of p3fes and frame it as game that had aged poorly. p3p is not designed around its gameplay changes, so there's a definite loss of identity here, especially because the lack of party control played into p3's narrative

it'd be unfair not to mention the female protagonist route, which is a nice remix of the game and worth checking out for fans of any version

p3 reload: replaces p3's identity and aesthetic with that of its movies and also largely nixes the direction of the original game. maintains portable's direct party control, but does not include the female protagonist and (currently) also does not include 'the answer' from fes

does include some scenes to expand upon antagonists and fully voices social links. also changes the way tartarus works significantly
preserves nothing at all about the original's intent and is nothing more than a pixar-knockoff cashgrab. gets frequently lauded as an improvement over the original for inexplicable psyop reasons

typically i'd be willing to classify this as a reimagining - something transformative - but i'm not willing to look past this game completely defying everything the original stands for with absolutely nothing to show for it beyond more modern appealing combat
all the resident evil remakes are nothing more than alternate takes on the original games


this mobile port burned me out on re4 before i even played the original version. i cannot think of a release more damaging than one that disengages someone from its source material altogether

fuck you re4 mobile edition
this shit is fucking ugly!!!
catch-all for every serious sam hd remaster

ugly as fuck and personality-sapping in many regards

makes me realize i actually should try this game again because i didn't know it used to not look like dogshit
on one hand, this is the best way to play p1 besides the japanese ps1 release. on the other, it has many problems of its own - primarily related to gameplay being neutered and the soundtrack being way too condensed and repetitive

there is a fan patch to restore the original music, but it's not complete. p1 has an absolutely massive soundtrack and many of its tracks aren't accounted for
has harmed the dreamcast original's reputation primarily due to a lot of glitchiness, but also uneven art direction
for what it's worth the horrible bugginess makes this more entertaining than the original release

so you might as well play this one tbh
mj songs in sonic 3 are replaced with beta tracks. seeing that this is a series where the music is half the experience

also the physics are fucked up in places
edge case - this is mostly fine for someone unfamiliar with the original, but the modified controls coupled with unchanged level design and additional invisible walls gives the impression of this game being rougher than its established fans remember

also general lack of animation/polish in places which the original does not share
in short: the friction's fucked up from the originals

this is a game about rolling a ball on an obstacle course. physics are important!

also the minigames are fucked up
gba version has slowdown during combat and shittier music
bad technical problems, graphical errors and frame dips
what the fuck are you doing and why is this garbage the only version with multiplayer supported on - are you fucking insane?
technical shitshow which played and looked worse than the original
butchered enemy ai that doesn't stop blocking or quickstepping makes this already tedious game about a hundred times more so
standalone yakuza 0 dlc with none of the style or personality of the original yakuza. fucks up the soundtrack and tacks on mechanics that bloat the experience substantially

fuck majima everywhere and its progressions system
standalone yakuza 6 dlc which saps yakuza 2 of its identity in the same way that k1 does to y1. 6-ified music, 6-ified gameplay. missing content from the original too

also just has bad direction. whoever decided SiM was a good replacement for the crazy ken band was out of their fucking mind
for 999 specifically

why? that's a good question indeed. i suggest you don't look it up!


I think Dracula X is a perfect fit here
Oh and BDSP
And RE3 and I'm done
of the 4 I played here, I agree with them all for the most part especially Majora 3D. Tho, while I do prefer the artstyle of crash 1 (psx) more, I do prefer the remake just because of the box mechanic. Crash 2 and 3 tho, originals all the way
Ik you dont seem to hate bfbb rehydrated but I honestly thought it was a pretty awful remake, I mean the warp boxes dont even animate anymore when you warp

3 months ago

Bioshock had 3 remakes on mobile phones you could add since you have Resident Evil 4 ME. 2 of those remakes end at the smugglers hideout and the ios game removes jumping and is a overall downgrade.

3 months ago

@the_gaming_dog12 dracula x is a different game from rondo of blood, bdsp isn't really unfaithful to the originals at all, re3make maybe

@nowitsreyntime17 yeah good point. added rehydrated. tho for the record i hate that game too lmao

@ideon the fuck i didn't even know this existed lmao thank you

3 months ago

FFX HD and maybe Persona 1?
Oh I was mistaken then lol, glad were in agreement. Ik we'd also agree on replicant too but probably not fitting for this type of list

3 months ago

Half-Life source is an easy inclusion imo. MGS Twin Snakes can be argued.

3 months ago

@Chandler I'm aware of all the issues with the Majora's Mask remake, but I thought the art direction was the only redeeming part of it? The only complain I've heard about it is that some areas are too clean, but otherwise things seemed pretty faithful unless there's something I forgot.

3 months ago

MGS Twin Snakes
Batman: Return to Arkham
The House of the Dead: Remake (looks really ugly and has really awkward controls)
FFX remastered (really bad new faces for the new models, FFX-2 remastered seems fine though unless I missed something)
Klonoa (Wii version)

Maybe RE3 Remake as well. While it's an okay game on its own right, I feel like it's alerted people's perception against the original, especially people who haven't even played it yet. It's an awkward in-between where it's not very faithful and leaves out a lot of what people liked about the original, but doesn't new really anything new to make up for it.

3 months ago

real goofy to put DeS but not sotc

3 months ago

Have you thought about adding SotC 2018

3 months ago

i had no idea that there was even a RE4 port. also, for the past few years, i've been trying to trudge through tales of phantasia gba and kept wondering what the hell people were talking about when they said the combat was fun. didn't realize the slowdown was limited to just the GBA version.

3 months ago

chandler do NOT fucking add twin(k) snakes pls don’t add it,,, game good!!!

3 months ago

I think Sigma 1 really deserves to be on here just for making Ryu so shiny it looks like he is wearing a big metal diaper.

3 months ago

@psi_voltekker i can't agree with p1 given our other option, but ffx hd is absolutely worthy

@kago good point. totally pointless port. mgs twin snakes is enough of a reimagining that's faithful to the original game to let it slide

@mrhoodie it's pretty unfaithful and makes majora's mask look a lot less eerie and weird. feels too much like ocarina (iirc it uses the same assets as oot3ds?)

good calls on the rest of those. re3 seems to be extremely contentious so i think i'll put it in with an asterisk on the notes

@bunyn i know everyone loves to line up with pitchforks in front of bluepoint but nonetheless i think it's extremely disingenuous to compare this to this. wander's face being a lil pudgy and some fog being missing doesn't make this game any less of a masterpiece

@averypaledog my sources tell me that game sucks ass in any context mainly due to spell pausing, but yeah you're def running the worst version

@coquettefreak yeah i dont really fuck with the twin snakes controversy. feels like just an alternate take in the same way something like re2make is. blah blah matrix memes (as if kojima isn't all about that shit to begin with)

@gruel it's mentioned in the sigma 2 note. i don't wanna shit too hard on it because it's still a viable way to play a great game (which not many people have access to nowadays) barring the annoying rachel stages

3 months ago

What's up with all the SotC (2018) recommendations

3 months ago

i will also have to vouch for persona 1 but with the asterisk that itll only really apply when the translation attempt is completed, but also p3p

3 months ago

Surprised you didn't mention that the GBA port of Phantasia added voice acting that sounded like it was coming from a talkboy buried in a basket of socks.

3 months ago

kiwami 2 cutting off an entire city and somehow managing to have worse gameplay than the original

3 months ago

@chandler Ah I see, yeah that is a significance difference in visuals there

3 months ago

Don't be a coward and add most of the Persona rereleases here (Reload, P2PSP versions, Golden, arguably Portable).

3 months ago

Ngl, I think that saying Chrono Cross and its performance issues can replace, but FFX damages because Yuna's face is different is a wild opinion

And if Dracula X gets by on being a different game, imo Ratchet is the same. More reimagining than remake

3 months ago

And also, "SotC plays the same, and the art direction is a matter of preference" vs. "Demon's Souls has borked art direction and FFX has fucked up models, damaged!" is a bit controversial no? Yes, I realize DeS differences are more significant, but it's still a matter of opinion at the end of the day

3 months ago

Blade Runner Enhanced Edition definitely should be there

3 months ago

@Artur It's not just that the faces are different in FFX HD, it's that a lot of them (not all but still) look worse. And even then, the new faces conflict with the old face animations.

3 months ago

@MrHoodie tbh, I think that's grasping at straws. The in-game cutscenes of FFX are incredibly janky. A different face model barely affects that, and I have played both versions, but there's so much jank that I couldn't even tell there was anything different about the animations

3 months ago

@Artur I disagree. There's a lot of subtle emotion in characters faces lost with the new faces and animations, janky or not

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