173 Reviews liked by coap

Vondel resurgence map saved this from being a 1 star or less. Absurd how sniper rifles aren't a one shot to the head, it also felt like I was playing at x0.5 speed the entire year. Tragic.

Hollow Knight is just an allegory for the history of Australia’s underground insect society, and as an Australian myself this shit is more captivating than everything I’ve heard about from the emu wars.

This is now one of my favourite games ever, the lore is deep, the gameplay is challenging, voice acting is top tier, art direction is charming and fun but can also be dark and brooding, and lastly the score is fantastic. Very much the god of bug games (sorry Bugsnax). Go play it for yourself, the hype this game gets is accurate and deserved.

Now I wait an eternity for Silksong…

fuck the end of the campaign fuck iw all my homies hate iw

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Samus could shoot me with her Hyper Beam and I would thank her for disintegrating me :)

This is my first 2D Metroid game since Fusion and has now got me extremely invested in the franchise as we eagerly wait for Prime 4 to cook. I was a tiny brainlet child back when I picked up Fusion, so I completely failed to understand anything about the Metroidvania structure which resulted in dropping it. I then picked up the Prime series much later as a more competent human and kinda breezed through those and Other M without much thought put in, so I need to replay those too.

Something I loved about playing Dread is that it doesn't hold your hand with exploration, it doesn't tell you where to go within the UI but instead leads you to those next objectives through dialogue, this forces you to pay attention to the exposition through Adam as well as observing your surroundings and glancing at the hidden areas on your map. If you ever happen to miss dialogue from Adam, the game has a neat logging system to retrace everything that was said which I appreciate in games.

As this is a Metroid game - its obviously got great level design that can really get your brain going, locking you off from certain obstacles until you have the upgrades to get past them. The new enemy type E.M.M.I. have some amazing zones that really make you clench your butthole since they are a 1 hit kill. They push you to think quickly utilising all of your abilities to either evade them or kill them, and man, killing them feels so good at point blank with the Omega Cannon. If the E.M.M.I. catch you, there are very tight windows for parries that will temporarily stun them, doing this is like doing crack (not that I have done crack) which has me addicted to parrying in this game, its just that satisfying.

The abilities you unlock are so much fun to use, especially the Flash Shift so you can go fast, Speed Booster that makes you go even faster, Space Jump for infinite jumps, and Screw Attack which is just OP.

The 2.5D interactive cutscenes/QTEs with parrying was one of my favourite aspects of the gameplay, I always felt engaged and on my toes during these moments compared to standard cutscenes with other games. These sequences where they played with 3D space also occured during uses of certain abilities like the Shinespark jump, and were always cool when they happened.

Playing through Dread's story was great for how short the game is. Reveals like Quiet Robe being an X and helping Samus was really cool and a nice callback to Fusion (yes I watched a story video before playing), as well as the reveal with Raven Beak and how he was posing as Adam to lure in Samus to get some of that DNA.

Loved this game, I would give it a 4.7/5 but we can't do that here so I'll just give it a 5. This is a must play especially now that we have a 2D Metroid on Switch.

It's alright. Some of the games were fun, but so many of them just didn't click and none of the music ever really blew me away. The art is cute though.

Just as impressive as the first game, but it didn't charm me as much as the original. With that being said, it was still a great experience.

This game is still haunting and disgusting as ever. There are some things my eyes cannot un-see. The pixel art is somehow even better than the first game and really pushes the limits of how painterly pixel art can be. The inclusion of two new weapons was fun to experiment with and adds some interesting platforming sequences, although I wish they explored the platforming even more because the new movement upgrades like Double Jump and Mid-Air Dash makes traversal much more satisfying than the first game. All the bosses were all fucking amazing (besides the final boss) and really made me go into nerd neck mode as I kept getting my ass beat.

The change from pixel art to animated cutscenes can be a little jarring at first but that's something that didn't bother me as much as I played the game more. This time around, I did try to 100% the game but it gets to a point where I'm not trying to refer to a guide for hours to find these little babies in floating capsules. I wish this game marked more things on the map after you discover them, maybe then I would go for the 100%.

Overall, great metroidvania. Highly recommend.

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I haven't played a 2D platformer Mario since the original Wii, but loved every second of this game despite being kinda inexperienced with the genre.

The sheer amount of care put into gameplay ideas, how that gameplay ties into the score, new abilities (elephant fruit, bubble flower, drill shroom, and the multitude of badges elevating character movement/traversal) all culminate in some of the most satisfying level design I've personally experienced in gaming.

Wonder flowers literally change the entire level, score, and visual design of said level which is insane. Nintendo's Mario team said fuck it lets double the workload on development for everything which something I have to applaud. You also get to experience the dread of what its like to be a fucking Goomba. Unreal.

I also developed a deep hatred for talking flowers.

Never played Star Ocean before, but this was cool as hell! I really enjoyed the gameplay loop, something about it was just so addictive and it kept me locked in. The game is visually stunning, I kept taking screenshots in every new area because it just looks so damn good. Weakest part is definitely the story, I mean it's okay but nothing to write home about. I feel like there should've been more interactions with your other party members than just through the PA's. However I really like the setting that this takes place in and the sheer scaling in certain events.

A solid JRPG. Glad I gave this one a try because it was a fun time from start to finish.

i just want every remake to be as faithful as this one please and thank you game developers

I love Kiryu-chan and I'm so glad this isn't his final appearance in the Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise, one of the top characters in all of gaming. I'm thoroughly excited to dive into Like a Dragon Gaiden after diving into Yakuza 7, and subsequently diving into Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth in January. Oh and I can't forget diving into Lost Judgment after I dive into Judgment. RGG gamers, we are so back.

This game is pure art. From the mysterious alien setting, to the atmospheric sound effects and music; both work hand in hand to create the perfect backdrop for this amazing game.

Playing in 1080p felt like I was playing in 4K and the fluid animation further enforces how great this game looks. Being able to carry around these orbs and travel between them creates such a cool dynamic with some cool paradox moments. Before collecting each orb, you're faced with a boss to defeat. I was genuinely blown away by how unique and engaging each one was for a puzzle game. The fidelity in this game is insane.

I was surprised to find myself never getting stuck exploring in this game which just goes to show how great the level design is. It's a great balance of leading you where to go but never holding your hand. Solving puzzles just flows so naturally and using music queues to let you know you're on the right path was a great treat.

Once again, my only complaint with these games are how short they are. But this game is all killer no filler, which I can appreciate. This year has been pretty generous with the amount of puzzle games but this is without a doubt my favourite in terms of overall package.

i am the worlds strongest puzzle game enjoyer.

this game really just improved upon the already good first game and took the mechanics even further. it looks better than 90% of other games and this is literally a puzzle game like bruh shoutout to unreal engine. later in the game it really makes you kind of prepare the entire chamber in advance otherwise you have to start over, so you end up feeling like a genius when it all comes together.

my only complaint is that there is so much yapping in this game and it gets so repetitive. you'll hear the stereotypical THE SYSTEM THE ENERGY THE POWER READINGS ARE UNSTABLE BLAH BLAH BLAH shit which was kinda ehhh but whatever you're here for the puzzles anyway. there's cool parts where you're forced to think somewhat philosophically during certain interactions which was fitting for the whole theme of the game but idk if i like that it was basically forced on you. the sheer volume of the dialogue/interactions took away from what could've been unique scenarios.

talos principle was really the only other game that could somewhat compete with portal imo so i'm glad they didn't flop with this game.

Overall, this is a great puzzle game with the only major things holding it back being the non-puzzle aspects of it. The introduction of the new mechanics were super fun and really brought a new dynamic to the levels, but I felt the ramping of difficulty was handled much better in the first game. There were the occasional headscratchers that took me a bit to get, but for the most part all of the puzzles felt consistently the same difficulty, even on the last level.

This might just be me, but I liked the approach they took in the first game by making the story being told through text logs, making it non-intrusive and being able to engage in it if you want to. In this game, some goofy robot nerd will stop you dead in your tracks if you get within 100 feet of them. I do not want to ponder the meaning of life you. I just want to solve puzzles. Leave me alone.

The game itself is gorgeous and looks incredible, but the amount of running I had to do was just way too much. It took me the same amount of time solving a puzzle as it did running to the next one at times. My complaints aside, this is a fantastic game with very cool puzzles that really challenge you. If you love puzzle games, this is a must-play!

I haven't really played a 2D Mario game since the launch of the "New Super Mario Bros." series as I found it got pretty stale after the first game, but Super Mario Bros. Wonder is such a breath of fresh air. It feels like I've been teleported back to when I played Super Mario World for the first time.

This game is bursting from the seams with creativity. The introduction of Wonder Seeds takes the already fantastic levels and flips it on it's head. Every time I reach a Wonder Seed I get so excited wondering what crazy mechanic the game is about to introduce to me. Whether it's turning into an enemy, riding a stampede of bulls, or bouncing to the finish line on top of hippos; each seed is crazier than the last.

The introduction of badges also lets you customize your experience to how you want to play the game. I found myself mainly using the spin kick so I could double jump but there are so many to chose from. Whatever you pick, it truly enhances the already perfect precision platforming this game features.

The soundtrack in this game is unmatched, with the Overworld and Athletic theme being my favourites. There was never once a track I wanted to end, each song is a BANGER. Not to mention that each world gets an ADDITIONAL soundtrack for when you activate a Wonder Seed.

Each level is designed with a beautiful pastel like colour palette similar to the likes of Yoshi's Island and is given so much depth and detail in the form of parallax. Every time I load up a new level I am truly enthralled you into the wonder of this world.

The updated poses and animations to Mario and his foes breathe so much life into them. Whether it's Mario going through a pipe and grabbing his floating hat he left behind or a Goomba with the look of pure horror on his face as his best friend is being flattened right in front of him, they add so much personality to this game.

This is PEAK Mario and the future of 2D Mario is looking very bright.