i dont hate this game by any means but some of you are too easily impressed by stories that dont suck complete dong + the gameplays kinda ass

the blazing blade be so good when you aint got a bitch in your ear telling you its shit

wouldve been 10/10 if ornstein and smough were dating

gamers when one of the greatest srpg experiences of all time doesnt have a good story

story bad gameplay fun soundtrack good merrin hot what else do you want me to say

a game this bad shouldnt have a soundtrack this good

the most overrated fire emblem game. a good story will never salvage gameplay this bad, though its not like it ever stood a chance because the story fucking sucks

I really wish i could say i like this game. I seriously do. Yet i cant, because even though there are parts of the story and narrative that i genuinely love, i have many more problems with them than i dont. And dont get me started on the gameplay, its horrendous. I stopped my hard mode save to start over on easy because of how boring and tedious it was. It was so bad that i just wanted to stop playing at times. I really hope that the eventual remake of this game fixes my issues with this game, because it makes me sad to say that i dont like it. It has so many good moments, but it gets dragged down by everything else.

everyone raves about how good the gameplay and world exploration are but really the best part of this game is hearing lorians and lothrics boss theme for the first time

cloud doesnt get forcibly feminized in this one 0/10