Wow was this a ton of fun. More than anything, it’s just a ton of fun. Finished it in one setting and was so happy the whole time. Remedy went wild with the ideas in this, even more so than usual with some of the stuff and really pleased a lot of fans.

Episode 1: Number One Fan
This is the most goofy and humorous thing Remedy has made. It has a lot of aspects from fan fiction in it and a lot of the jokes around it are really funny. Rose as the main character is great and it plays as one of her fan fictions. The pink theming around everything feels so different from Remedy’s usual stuff and it really stands out and even gives it a surreal vibe but in a different way than usual. There’s some really great one liners in this both from Rose and the Writer. It was fun to fight the “Haters” without worrying about light. This was a really good way to start out the dlc

Episode 2: North Star
This had some really good horror and creepy vibes throughout, being in Coffee World at night. It was so cool to play as Jesse and I loved all the Control references. Seemed like this could’ve been an earlier draft of Control’s story written by Alan. Everything regarding coffee and a government agency controlling people’s minds with it was really cool. I could’ve used more enemies to fight in it, felt like there wasn’t too many. I liked the coffee mascots a lot, but wish the section with them could’ve been a bit longer. The implications in the ending of this were interesting to think about and the Control-like imagery was great to see. Wish this episode was a bit longer. More than anything was just really happy to see Jesse and Control type stuff.

Episode 3: Time Breaker
This was definitely my favorite episode and was so cool. Everything in this had a lot of implications on the Remedyverse as a whole. Quantum Break fans will be very pleased. All of this episode was oozing with creativity and Remedy really went off in this. The mix of mediums was so awesome to see and Remedy has consistently improved and outdone themself with each new thing they make. Theres some sections regarding gaming in this I won’t spoil but they were jaw dropping moments for me. The ending was insane and really blew my mind.

Theres a section after the end of the dlc that was very heartwarming to see. Overall I had a great time with this dlc and Remedy should be so proud of everything they’ve made. Can’t wait for The Lake House.

Wasn’t sure if I’d like this or not cause I haven’t been crazy on the other immersive sims i’ve played. Early on I wasn’t really feeling it much, but as I got further I started enjoying it a lot more. Rapture is one of my favorite gaming locations and Bioshock excels at atmosphere, art design, and its environment. I stopped often just to look around or out of the glass windows to soak in everything. I really enjoyed its horror aspects and how everything was in chaos in Rapture at the time of the events of the game. The little sister and big daddy designs are iconic and I enjoyed fighting them and their mechanics. In terms of gameplay I wasn’t crazy about the shooting personally. The hacking got old extremely quick as well and the photography aspect was also really underbaked. The plasmids were a lot of fun to mess around with, but I didn’t really use a huge variety of them. What Bioshock lacks some in gameplay though it makes up for in its art design and other aspects I mentioned previously. It really is one of the coolest games out there in terms of style. I’m glad I finally got around to it since it’s one of those games people are surprised when you say you haven’t played. Excited to checkout the rest of the series

A lot better level design than most of DS2. The area was really cool and felt like a Zelda dungeon. It had a fun gimmick with the pillars you have to shoot or hit. I think the enemy placement also wasn’t as annoying as a lot of other areas in the game. Two of the three boss fights were really good and better than majority of the bosses in the main game

Wow, what a masterpiece. This definitely made its way into my all time favorite games and is one of the best horror games I’ve ever played. It’s an incredible piece of survival horror with its own unique style and some of the best art direction I’ve ever seen. What it takes and honors from its predecessors it does masterfully.

I’m still in awe of this games style and imagery. The way it mixes dystopian future, multiple languages, with this lovecraftian Silent Hill esque gore is amazing. It also has potent themes that give this existential horror dread. The gameplay is a blast and I love all the Resident Evil item management mechanics. The puzzles are tough but really fun to figure and really well made. The level design is perfect as well. The soundtrack is hauntingly eerie, but beautiful.

All in all one of my favorite games ever and had a really big impact on me

One of my favorite gaming experiences and my favorite Soulslike. A combination of Bloodborne and Sekiro was bound to win me over. It’s so amazing how so many people were extremely excited, but weary because of soulslike games past as well as this being from a new studio and they blew everyone’s expectations out of the water.

The world design, lore, soundtrack, combat, and characters are all immaculate and so well made. It was entirely unexpected this would actually improve upon Fromsoft’s combat and game design. From the weapon system with its combinations of weapon heads and handles, rally system but having to block for it to work, markers on the map/level layout for side quests, and more there were so many nice additions. Krat is so well designed and atmospheric that I love just looking and walking around. It’s one of my favorite gaming locations. The soundtrack is beautiful and I love being able to play vinyl in the hotel.

I loved a ton of the bosses, namely Laxasia, King of Puppets, Andreus, and the final boss. Most all of the bosses had amazing designs, lore, and movesets and had a high difficulty.

I love how this has a more in your face story similar to Sekiro. I can’t wait for the dlc/next game teased in the endings and to replay the game and try and platinum it. Highly recommend this to anyone!

I’m honestly speechless at how incredible of an experience playing this game was. Alan Wake has always been heavily inspired by Twin Peaks, and as a huge fan of Twin Peaks (it being my favorite show ever, specifically The Return) as well as Control I knew I was going to love this. However, I did not know the extent of how much I’d love this. With an improvement of everything in the original, as well as of a lot of Control, Alan Wake 2 blows those expectations out of the water (or should I say lake or ocean?). Early on, I already knew this game was likely going to be in my top 5 games of all time.

I love the survival horror route they’ve taken in this, with heavy inspiration of the Resident Evil games. The gameplay loop is very fun and engaging with some clever puzzles I really enjoyed. Fighting the taken was a lot of fun for me and kind of addictive. Even though there’s not a ton of enemy variety, I was pleased with the amount they had.

Both Saga’s and Alan’s gameplay I really loved. Even though some people don’t like Saga’s as much I throughly enjoyed it. She has one section especially that was one of my favorite’s in gaming ever. I really enjoyed the boss fights she had, exploring the woods to find puzzles and new gear as well as new weapons. All of the areas you explore are really cool and well done. Cauldron Lake, Watery, and Bright Falls are all extremely well done and beautiful areas with lots to explore. Returning to Bright Falls was very nostalgic and I really loved just walking around the town. Watery was one of my favorite areas, especially because of Coffee World. Cauldron Lake’s woods enveloped me as I played and had an atmosphere that was so beautiful yet haunting. Earlier on, I definitely found Alan more interesting as a protagonist, but as the story went on and more revelations happened, I began to love Saga just as much. Her story gets more and more interesting and involved in the Remedy universe the further the game goes.

Alan’s sections were definitely my favorite even though I loved Saga’s. The combat with the Shadows was so intense and it was a lot of fun trying to figure out which Shadow would actually attack me. His light switch mechanics and scene mechanics were some of the coolest I’ve seen in a game ever and were truly something special. I was in awe of them the entire time. Same as Saga, he has one specific section that was my favorite in gaming ever and was very akin to the ash tray maze in Control. All of his sections are really trippy and surreal and the Dark Place’s version of New York is one of the most stunning environments I’ve ever experienced. The amount of detail that went into it had me stunned at how well done it was. Remedy is on par with Rockstar in terms of the detail they put into their games. Signs, buildings, posters, TVs, and more all had incredible detail that I was constantly just walking around looking at.

The story is especially what is so well done here and is one of my favorite stories ever. It’s so akin to Twin Peaks The Return that I was bound to love it. Like Twin Peaks, it answers a lot of questions and updates us on past characters, but also raising even more which is something I love in mystery series. I can’t wait to play NG+ and for the DLCs to release. Hoping it hints at Control 2 which I can’t wait for also. I highly recommend new players to experience Alan Wake and Control first as it really adds on to the experience having finished them first. I also recommend people to checkout Twin Peaks (watch order is Seasons 1&2, the film Fire Walk With Me, The Missing Pieces, and Season 3 The Return) if they haven’t as well, as it can only add on to one’s appreciation of Alan Wake 2. Overall one of my favorite games ever and I can’t wait for more from Remedy.

It’s not a lake, it’s an ocean
Thank you Remedy

This review contains spoilers

So ahead of its time and innovative. My first Metal Gear game. Really love the theme of nuclear war which was a surprising and mature them for its time. Has great characters and gameplay with some really cool gimmicks. The live action footage is so cool for it to have released in 1998. This game changed the industry and showed people that games can have an amazing in depth story and long cinematics as well as serious voice acting. Can’t wait to check out the rest of the series

Such a heartfelt and emotional story. Cried during multiple parts. Hugo and Amicia are amazing characters that deserve more recognition. Both of them have some amazing voice actors. Amicia is one of my favorite heroines and the lengths she’ll go for her brother knows no bounds. Haven’t felt this much of an emotional gut punch since RDR2 and Last of Us 2. So much has been improved upon in Requiem after Innocence. The gamplay, puzzling, story, graphics, art direction, etc. This game is a technological marvel with what they’ve been able to do with the rats especially and the graphics are amazing. La Cuna especially is an incredibly beautiful area. The game balances graphic and horrific content with parts of beauty and love. I love the improvements to Amicia’s skill set and what all she can do. The combat is a lot more fun in Requiem. The soundtrack is as amazing as the first game. Overall such an incredible experience. As someone with bad chronic health issues and a mom with them as well, Hugo’s illness and Amicia’s reactions to it hit me like a truck

Glad I got around to playing this classic. This was my first metroid game. It’s undeniable what this game did for Metroid and its history. Incredible soundtrack & atmosphere, with some great bosses and power ups to collect. Only seeing Samus with the morph ball and arm canon so I was pleasantly surprised with all of the power ups in this. Theres a great story and lore by using the scanner visor. A lot of the enemies have cool designs. Some of the bosses are a bit boring though in my opinion (hive mecha, Sheegoth, Thardus). While others are great like Flaahgra, Meta Ridley, and Metroid Prime. The end game is where the game is a lot more lackluster and tedious with the backtracking. I think it would be a lot more beneficial to not have to collect the artifacts. Overall, an amazing game I enjoyed a lot

5/5 for Friede fight, but overall a disappointing dlc since in terms of bosses it’s just Friede & Champion’s Gravetender. Love the setting though and lore revelations

One of the most stylish games I’ve ever played. The art style is beautiful. Absolutely banger soundtrack and lots of fun moments. The main ensemble are all really likeable characters and Chai is great. Love there’s a hideout to chill in when in between levels. The combat is a lot more extensive than what I expected and is a ton of fun and quite challenging sometimes. Lots of cool enemies designs and variety. The humor is really well done and doesn’t overstay its welcome. Lots of little jokes in stuff like collectibles. Great boss fights all around. Love so much to have a character in sync with music and love how the world around him goes to the beat. Such a fun idea for a game and highly recommend this to anyone. Also 808 my beloved

Definitely my favorite Mario game, incredibly magical

Such a cute, comforting, and wholesome game, loved the ending

Yes it has some issues, but there’s so much I love about it. The OG is in my top 5 games ever and I was so happy to return the world of 4546B. I love the additions to the base building, the beautiful environment, the new fauna and flora, new biomes, new vehicles, and new leviathans. Unlike some people, I don’t mind the smaller environment and land areas. I think that it fit the icy environment and was an interesting addition. So much of the world was beautiful and the biomes all are. I absolutely love the Lilypad area and the starter area. The Seatruck is great for this and I had a blast using it and thought it was really cool. Being able to switch between modules based on what I was doing was fun. The leviathans are all super cool, unique, and interesting. I didn’t really mind that BZ isn’t as scary, it was still definitely tense in a lot of parts. All of the lore added was really interesting and added a lot to the world building and I didn’t mind ALAN or having a talking protagonist much. Overall it was so great returning to the world and I can’t wait for Subnautica 3

One of the best stories i’ve experienced in all of media. Arthur is now one of my favorite protagonists. Incredible game and lived up to the hype