Cute little puzzle game with amazing sprite work for it's time. nice solid length and gameplay that gets your brain working almost immediately with a steady difficulty curve, extremely simple and addictive gameplay


Excellent sequel. Same great gameplay, can't get enough of the pogo stick mechanic. Felt a little shorter and easier then the first, but felt just as good as the first


Awesome little platformer, the cane pogo stick mechanic is very intuitive and fun. Excellent level design and amazing music which Capcom was known for at the time. Great length and replay due to having multiple endings and secret areas, definitely one of the best NES platformers Ive played


Downgrade from 999/VLR but still a solid game in it's own right and a miracle it came out at all, one of my most anticipated games at the time, gets a bit grimdark/edgelord with some of the paths you end up going down to the point of absurdity but I was still engaged throughout still has solid puzzles but the presentation and voice acting is a bit of a downgrade in comparision to it's predesacer, overall really happy with how this series ending other then one group that feels like it didnt get fully wrapped up, was not a fan of most if not all of the new characters, Q's path was definitely my least favorite, With Carlos' being may favorite due to my attachment to the 999 cast, definitely worth playing to see how this all wraps up but maybe not the best to start with if you are new to the series


Maybe the best visual novel Ive ever played and also the first Ive ever replayed in it's entirety, fell in love with the characters and hopeless situation it presented, all the puzzles are sharply designed with excellent voice acting and script, keeps you engaged from start to finish. Loved the music and twists in the story as well

Like many, this was the first Fire Emblem I really got into and I loved it immediately, loved all the characters and the story as well as the fast based gameplay, need to replay as I had no idea what I was doing at the time as I remember struggling once Walhart showed up


Incredible remake of one of the greatest games of all time, beautiful graphics, perfect recreation of the gameplay, great showcase of the 3d effects at the time (it was the first 3ds game I played so it was one of the few games I played almost entirely in 3d LOL) great QOL features (great gyro controlled aiming, a hint system, easy touch screen item management)

Still need to try out the master quest included in this version, age hasnt slowed this one down a bit

10/10 masterpiece that no one should miss, probably the definitive version of the game and the version I come back to

Cool little spy point and click game, not much of a phone gamer but picked this up on a whim due to having an itch for a spy game for whatever reason and what I got was a cute, short point and click puzzle game. Puzzles are pretty easy but fun to figure out and make you feel acomplished, great art design as well, if you are a fan of old school puzzle games or something like I Spy, I think you will like this one


Extremely repetitive and ugly game, I wanted this so bad as a kid, an action adventure DBZ game??? Awesome, but the execution here leaves alot to be desired. Stiff combat and little in the way of story telling, you are better off checking out DBZ:Kakarot for your dbz adventure fix, skips Buu saga too:(

Awesome arcade game! Always give it a play when I see it, massive song selection, too bad they give you like 30 seconds to pick your song LOL. Awesome intuitive controls and gives you I believe 3 songs to play per credit? Give it a shot if you see it

King of the genre in my eyes, excellent varied environments, a simple story with a fantastic cast of heroes and Villans, and iconic voice lines and appropriate voice acting, especially innovative for it's time

The ability to go down different routes adds insane replayability, when I was younger I thought only the easy route existed and the other planets on the map were just there for decoration, finding out about the hard route years later blew my mind

Gameplay is fantastic, I think even non rail shooter game players would find joy in this game, beautiful graphics as well for the N64, remember watching the old N64 ad for the rumble pak that was included with this game and the hype was unreal

Excellent game that I come back to all the time, it's short length, insane replicability and tight satisfying gameplay keep this one a classic in my eyes and still hasn't been topped. Nintendo keeps trying to chase this high but hasnt come close except with some stages from Assault


Had alot of fun with this one, as a huge fan of the series Im just happy to get something new out of the franchise. Classic, fun on-rail shooter gameplay set in a mysterious dystopian world filled with awesome dragons, love it

Story and classic gameplay are intact, feel the modernization of the gameplay made it a bit too easy as I flew through this game with no problem my first time through. Graphics while overall pretty good come aross as somewhat soulless dosent come close to the atomsphere of the original feels a bit fanmade. Barebones when it comes to content just a straight remake of the game without anything added, would have been nice to see some behind the scenes or maybe include the original game as a bonus

If you are new to the series, I would honestly advise to try and track down the original as I still think it's vibe and feel are unmatched, very short game you can probably beat in an hour and honestly it will leave you wanting more


Somewhat fun once you figure out what to do/how to play but that barrier of entry is hard to get over, simply not fun after about 10 minutes, terrible controls. At least we got a cool Smash Bros Melee trophy out of this one, I also remember the NES Remix levels for this game being pretty brutal


More levels and a new playable character if you enjoyed the first two you will like this one, I like to view these games as a Kirby prequel trilogy


NES DLC essentially, more of the same from the first game, not much different other then levels from what I noticed
