faea gaming: February 2024

month feels like one of those times where nothing really sticks. which always sucks, since i do have genuine interest in all the stuff i play

don't really wanna stick this in my profile, but my discord is faea_ if anyone wants to chat outside of like, comments sections on backloggd lol. i think it'd be fun to connect more with people here outside of the site itself (or its chill to just add me and not say anything, thats my kinda vibe), particularly since i see myself dropping off a little for a while - i dont see myself playing much till dragon's dogma 2 comes out. also posting this a day early because it's my birthday so SAY happy birthday.

Dark Souls: Remastered
Dark Souls: Remastered
Completed (review)
cheesing havel at the start of the game by having him walk off the stairs over and over and hitting him in his landing lag is what these games are ABOUT!!!!!!!!!
The Silver Case
The Silver Case
cool game that would have been a lot cooler if the script had an editor who'd read a single book in their entire fucking life because every scene is padded like they're trying to hit a word count by copypasting every sentence they write. genuinely excruciating to read
Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III
In Progress
past few souls playthroughs have conditioned me to not use lock on very much but have you ever tried playing kb+m ds3 with free aim? it's fucking abysmal, but like in a way where it *must* have been intentional. wanted to go back to this one both because i think its thematically pretty poignant and i wanted to reexperience that, and also because im curious how i feel about it after disparaging everything that came *after* so much for being too combat-insistent. i tried doing co op for a bit but co op feels a bit too easy to the point where it isn't really interesting at all. i do like my friends though so i'm not 100% sure how im gonna go forward
Hitman: Blood Money
Hitman: Blood Money
pretty rad, would probably appreciate it a lot more if my adhd was medicated since there's lots of slow walking around figuring out what to do while you kill one guy every 10 minutes. not that it should be any different ofc. my only real complaint is that the intended solutions feel a bit too 'intended', where if i get the prompt to put down a bomb i know whatever it's gonna do 20 minutes from now will be far more effective than any way i come up with of taking out the targets
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
In Progress
started a randomiser! it seems like it just swaps spawns around, so you'll get blatantly overpowered enemies in dungeons where they definitely don't belong. writing as of sinister woods and every dungeon has had an unkillable raid boss enemy type that i've just had to Deal With. by the time i get to postgame i'm sure i'll just switch back to a normal rom but it sounds like a lot of fun for the main game to actually demand i use all the fun resources it gives me instead of just bloating myself with reviver seeds

randomiser link for if you're one of the awesome ppl who thinks rescue team > explorers
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing
I really respect its vibe but even though I really wanted something like this when I started it only really stuck with me for a few days. Made me realise I'd love to play an animal crossing alongside other people, but not ACNH at launch lol. Just something to poke away at slowly and share with other ppl from time to time
Dropped (review)
one thing i didn't mention is that yorda to me felt like less of a person and more of an Escort Quest Objective most of the time. there's some cool moments to the contrary but the little agency she has feels very videogame-y and she really struggles to do *anything* without being dragged or yelled at. the awkwardness of the ai at times broke any sort of spell the game had on me, one time i was calling her down a long ladder and she got really close to the bottom and then just went all the way back to the top
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
really difficult to hate despite the fact that i didnt enjoy most of my time with it. such a cool game when it felt like a sandbox where i could use the (cool as shit) movement to find fun ways around the environments. sadly most of the time i felt like i was contending with more straightforward Platforming Challenges that never quite meshed with the controls or the camera and constantly found some spelunky-ass ways of dropping me into instadeath pits. ended up getting tired and bljing to the end (which also felt cool as shit tbf)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
In Progress
wasn't ever too interested in this but it's been a weird month and i felt like i needed something aggressively silly - if i didn't play it now i probably wouldn't play it ever. as a video game gameplay experience it's not been the most interesting so far but i don't think that's what anyone's here for? i'm here for mario speedhacking and noclipping all over the place to reenact a scene he can't just describe because he's nonverbal (i feel that) and somehow this game delivered on my very specific request. haven't played much yet, it'll probably be something to chip away at slowly
Pokémon Green Version
Pokémon Green Version
In progress (started ?)
Carrying on my glitch playthrough. Gen 1 glitches are addictive emergent horror. At some point, for no discernible reason, everything could burst. Is the audio randomly stopping innocuous, or is the game about to crash (or worse)? For every nightmarish crash or softlock you inflict upon yourself, what even caused it and why? There's an explanation on a technical level, but it's not tangible. I know the unterminated item name corrupted unrelated memory fields, and I know what that means, but it's meaningless. It gives me no control, no agency. But what little I *do* know keeps me grounded just enough to keep coming back to the thrill of the unknown.

Anyway I gave my Persian Spore and I think that's really funny
The Ultimate Doom
The Ultimate Doom
Dropped (end of 2nd campaign)
My keyboard tank control skills aren't up to snuff (and I refuse to use some mouse-aim hack out of stubbornness) so I'm getting really hung up on the game's seeming insistence on ambushes as difficulty, since they eat a ton of my health near-guaranteed rather than bringing out these tense moments that they're probably meant to. The moment to moment shooty gameplay doesn't do all that much for me, and the levels haven't really stuck out to me in layout or atmosphere (save for one room where you go near a switch and the enemy density quadruples, that one's awesome) so in my eyes it's kinda lesser as both both shooty-game and dungeon-crawler than other similar games I've played

That said I can see it being pretty cool with the resource management angle if you value the mechanical lean of the dungeon crawly bit more than I do. I'm more of an atmosphere/experiential girlie (gimme system shock 1 any day) and while I can see how it might feed into that for some people it just kinda doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm just not good enough lol, no shame in admitting that


3 months ago

Super cool list as always, it's always fun to read through these brief throughts, oh and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :DDDDDDDDD

3 months ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAEA!!!!!! one of my fav users on here, always a joy 2 see you around

3 months ago

Happy Birthday!

3 months ago

Happy birthday, comrade!

3 months ago

happy birthday! 🥳

3 months ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!! i hope you eat lots of cake or brownies or fudge or whatever type of treat u love the best ^^

3 months ago

Happy birthday!

3 months ago

Happy birthday!

3 months ago

I absolutely relate to your thoughts on SM64. The game is so charming but man I didn't have too much fun with it either. Also, happy birthday homie! :D

3 months ago

Happy Birthday Day 🥳

3 months ago

I'm probably late but happy birthday!! always nice to see your opinions on the games you play, I'm in the same boat where I'm just waiting for DD2 lol

3 months ago

https://youtu.be/v1WDAV9FQC8?si=mEP_NYTL-x7XYAZw :partying_face: :tada: :birthday:

3 months ago

Happy birthday!! I'll add you on Discord!

3 months ago

Happy belated birthday!
Happy late birthday!

3 months ago

3 months ago

oh happy birthday! belatedly!

3 months ago

happy birthday

3 months ago

Happy 2 days after birthday! Oops.. Hope it was good

3 months ago

@poyfuh @carrie @hilda belated thank you!!!

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