1376 Reviews liked by fancyynancyy

Maybe folks would actually use the Epic Games Launcher if they got more musicians to collaborate on something like this.

This might be the coolest thing Thom Yorke did since calling Jim Morrison "fat, ugly, dead" and then jumping in the pool during that MTV Beach House "Anyone Can Play Guitar" performance.

Simplista pero muy logrado shoot-em-up que rememora a una época arcade en la que todo era difícil pero en su punto justo. AGUANTE LA PRODUCCIÓN NACIONAL LOCO

Anatomy is without a doubt, the most terrifying game I've ever played. On the surface, the game is incredibly simple, taking place entirely within a nearly pitch-black house, and sees the player walking around finding audio tapes to listen to, which discuss the similarities between the layout of a house, and the anatomy of a human body.

The entire game feels reminiscent of being a child, turning off the lights and sprinting up the stairs out of fear of something lurking in the dark. It is a masterclass in building tension, never wanting to give you the satisfaction of a jumpscare as a release, instead just building and building upon it until you are paralyzed into inaction. The writing is also phenomenal, posing questions about the function of a house, and the ways in which our understanding of the concept can be subverted, making the familiar seem unfamiliar.

At its core, Anatomy is a game where safety is nonexistent, where every waking moment is filled with unending dread and sheer terror at the thought of having to take even one more step forward.

Pretty good game a far better improvement than first but kinda like Mario 2 Japan it still has some of the same issues as the first that don’t get really fixed till later games and metal blade just breaks this game’s balancing it’s not even funny it’s a fine game but I don’t think it’s all what it’s cracked up to be. It’s just okay compare to some of the later games the series has to offer.

Air Man was easy what was that guy in 2007 doing?

Bem melhor q o primeiro, mas ainda alguns problemas se mantém, pelo menos o level design melhorou

what a chore. what a pain. this feels like the most annoying, brash kids show ever made with dumbass puzzles. it's just not enjoyable.

(got up to the 4th area)

i think i just dont like games from this era because they are purposely bullshit and instant death pits everywhere to artificially extend the playtime

I'm not a kid in 1986 who has all day to spend on this shitty ass game D,: I got other shit to do man that I'd much rather do than play this

Among the genre defining games found in the early Famicom catalog, Castlevania is probably one of the worst aged. However, not even all that knockback galore can detract from its importance and the place in history it deserves.

Not trying to diss on the Steam version or anything I just think that downloading this as a .zip file from a not-completely-trustworthy site is the best way to experience it.

Feels like taking a peek into the past. The internet as an unknown, vast place full of mysteries. Malware as a cursed unfinished demo game. Like a kid who downloaded a file with things they weren't meant to see.

Having it on Steam and so many information about it breaks the illusion of course, but also adds some more flavor to it. Like revisiting a solved mystery, a completed ARG.

So simple and humble in execution yet so effective in its storytelling. It's silly, but it knows it and doesn't let it get to it, it doesn't go overtly "edgy" in hopes of coming off as a more than it is besides the usual horror tropes pastiche. Better than any meta-horror game that came after it (Daniel Mullins has been trying to make this game for almost 10 years after Undertale released). The closest we'll ever be to an effective creepypasta game.

Only big complaint is the achievements being required to get the ending. At first I hated it because it broke the pace and immersion, but I actually think having to get a "key" to access the heart of the ghost haunting your computer makes sense. It's just the fact that it's completely non-cryptic and on the nose that completely breaks the atmosphere. You're telling me the ghost who messes with my wallpaper and files to toy with me is just telling me to the face the way to get out of this? Silly stuff, the ending more than makes up for it tho. There's no mystery to solve, no story to dig, you'll probably never know what it was that you downloaded. So melancholic, yet so peaceful.

Super super super good! The density of puzzles is really high. On each screen there will usually be multiple puzzles to unlock different things using the same objects, which is really fun. I'd never played a Sokoban game before but the puzzles all felt really satisfying and not too hard.

Until the final main world... (the ice one) and everything after that. My brain couldn't handle the endgame puzzles. Part of it is probably because I'm too dumb for them. But also a lot of the later puzzles can be cheesed, so it felt like I wasn't doing some of them the intended way.

Overall the game is amazing, this is a very strong 4/5. Style is great, lovely music, really fun puzzles, and a ton of secrets!

It's insanely easy in today's context to write off vanilla Sonic 3 and to only play the lock-on version, but there's a very important thing you're missing out on, and that's getting to hear the mini-boss music that's exclusive to this version.

It's such a funny ass song to use as a boss fight theme especially in the context of a forest getting napalmed, it'd be like if you fought Maruyama/Trouble Bruin in Dynamite Headdy to his appearance theme instead. That second-and-a-half-long introduction that's essentially a baseball organ doing a board game jingle that leads straight into a bit crushed "C'MON" voice sample with tapdancing noises and a funk beat behind it is somehow simultaneously the funniest and hardest shit I ever heard in my life. The only way you could escalate this, would be if you had a dopey-ass three second long french horn that went straight into extreme sludge metal. If I had to use entrance music that wasn't Maruyama's theme it'd be this. This is like top three music to interrupt someone cutting a promo with. Imagine if people got to reel in terror at the sound of the goofy baseball organ during Smackdown as if The Undertaker's gong went off.

God, so fuckin' good. The comedian who designed Carnival Night Zone Act 2 will be hearing this music very soon, I assure you.

Decent but i never understood why there’s a big space between undertaker and randy orton on the cover

My fondness for this stems from nostalgia for the game and my everlasting love for the film it is based on. I loved playing it as a kid, but revisiting Disney’s Animated Storybook: The Lion King as an adult it becomes clear that the game is not as good as it could have been, even considering little kids as the target audience. The gameplay isn’t much - you can interact with the screen by pointing at the environment and triggering little animations with musical cues and sound effects. But not every scene can be interacted with and the narration wraps up too fast in the second half, making it an unsatisfying retelling of the story. The three mini games are simple.
A genuinely positive aspect of this game is the way the film’s soundtrack is used and translated into its limited sound engine.
The animation of the hyena playing xylophone with bones on a ribcage might be making it worth 5 stars after all.

me playing this video game: this is neat

me reading an incoherent twitter thread from one of the creators about how non-violent games are stupid and violent video games are praxis and that's what made Paratopic good: this isn't neat