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giorninho completed Capcom Fighting Evolution
what are some of mankind's greatest achievements? landing on the moon? the creation of vaccines? everything pales in comparison to this utter, complete, masterpiece
every day when i get home i boot up my playstation 2 from sony to play this piece of pure art, no game has outclassed it, no game will outclass it
it feels like capcom got advice from the angels of heaven themselves to make this product of sheer mastery over the art form of virtual entertainment
everything in this game is top notch, and i can feel my mortal mind burning as if looking at a picture of god himself, an image that mortal minds were never meant to see
this star rating does not showcase how masterful and deep this game is

9 days ago

giorninho reviewed Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

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this game is one of the games that has been made in history
the only remarkable things about it are the dash, cool areas and the rival guy i forgot the name of having bipolar disorder that is so strong it split the castle in two
besides that, this game has an absolutely fucking huge map that has no business being this huge and the whip get's kinda boring to use after a while. the book system is cool tho

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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the story is the best part of this game, the plot and presentation work in conjuction to make what is my second favorite story in castlevania so far (altho order of ecclesia might become my second favorite soon-ish)
the gameplay's pretty good, using weapons feels nice and i like the spell system
the castle is great...and then the game inverts the castle just to pad itself out
the inverted castle fucking sucks why does the last like third of this game have shitty music, frustrating and unoriginal ""level design"" and literally nothing to add to the actual experience. we could have just fought dracula after shaft and it would have all been good but noooooo we need to flip the castle 180 degrees

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Shin Megami Tensei IV
this game is a masterpiece
i do not know where to start this review, my only problem with the game is the neutral ending, besides that everything here is amazing
it is one of those games that i think can never be replicated again, it is such a special product of it's time and the situation it was produced it is impossible to replicate

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
this game is one of the most fun games i have ever played, i don't know what it is about press turn in this game but like it just works so well. only times i didn't have fun were when the enemies used insta kill spells (fuck you throne)
the plot's like alright ig, the presentation is fucking PHENOMENAL tho everything from the visuals to the soundtrack just works to create this absolute vibe to the game that you can't find anywhere else

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Persona 4 Golden
the story of this game is phenomenal, every dungeon feels like it helps build up it's themes, almost all the social links are well written, and the presentation is absolutely top of the line. the characters are interesting in their respective arcs and while i don't like how short newsona character arcs are, the characters for this game are still enjoyable after their arcs end for me
but fuck man the gameplay is so fucking DOGSHIT WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THERE IS NOTHING HERE ok shuffle time's kinda cool BUT THERE'S NOTHING ELSE, the combat system is so barren and lacking in complexity i could give this game to a 4 year old and they could probably beat it
i want to rate this game higher, i really do, but god damn that gameplay is too shit im sorry

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Persona 3 FES
the best newsona game altho p4 is my favorite
the gameplay is at it's strongest here, the combat is very enjoyable due to stun locking and the tactics menu is very intuitive and easy to use since party members just have like 2 useful skills so you set them to full out assault/heal & support and you're golden (minus endgame mitsuru spamming mind charge but mitsuru sucks ass so you shouldn't use her anyways). the presentation is very very good and does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to the story
the plot fucking sucks ass and isn't consistenly good until december, i wish atlus rewrote it for persona 3 reload but i guess there is no god

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Persona 5 Royal
the calendar is probably at it's best in this game, i still don't like it but it's improving
the plot isn't anything remarkable but the presentation was quite good and the characters were fun to follow, november-january are probably the peak of this game
the combat is very average, it's not as absolutely barebones as p4's system instead it went on the completely opposite direction and is so fat it could pass as an elephant, it is quite fun if your brain is empty as you play the game

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Persona 3 Portable
i never liked persona 3's story. it takes too long to get good except for junpei and chidori stuff aswell as having one of the most poorly executed villain twists i've ever seen
the presentation and combat for the original ps2 title were great but this game has none of it besides the good ost
i am genuinely struggling to come up with anything positive to say about this game outside of the music

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

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pretty great game, definetly the most underrated of the metroidvanias
the ost was fucking orgasmic and jonathan/charlotte are fun as fuck to play
however burnt paradise and nation of fools are some of the most horrid shit imaginable like genuinely torturous level design

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
this game is slightly worse than aria in every aspect except for the souls which were a big improvement
i liked playing through it still since it's the same foundation as aria but definetly my least favorite of the ds titles

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Persona 5 Strikers
this game is a good album and it has cool ocs in the form of zenkichi, sofia and ichinose
everything else about this game is fucking dogshit and atlus replaced p5arena for a game that has some of the worst combat i've seen and a plot that is p5r but worse, even tho p5r didn't even have that good of a plot to begin with

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Pizza Tower
this game just works, it's just a short sweet experience with very little to complain about it
also that ost is just fucking fantastic my god

12 days ago

giorninho reviewed Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
it is very difficult to put into words what makes this game so special and such a masterpiece
it is almost like everything about this game just worked, the combat, the platforming, the soundtrack, everything just clicked and the only problems i have are nitpicks
every area feels unique, every boss encounter feels fresh and fun (minus legion fuck legion) it is such a tightly knit game

12 days ago

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