This game is toothless!

I heard great things about this, so I decided to try it out. Unfortunately, it was waste of time.

Plague Tale felt like a mix between Last of Us and Senua, but in the mix, something went wrong.

Everything about it is dull. The story is nice, but characters are forgettable and lifeless. Voice acting is annoying, gameplay gets old quickly, with the lack of depth and replayability murdering any reason to ever touch it again. Really, did anyone ACTUALLY like ANY character? Hugo is the worst kid ever!

The combat and "bosses" were fine, but you don't see a lot of it. Some mechanics felt dumb, like why do you upgrade items with the same tools you need to craft slingers?? Stealth was basic, solid, but lacked any challenge. Puzzles were clever at first, but repetitive later on. The graphics were good and the pacing was decent, but the writing failed to keep me hooked. I couldn't care less about almost anything going on. Also, that ending was VERY bland.

I just didn't get the love for this one. You're better off sticking with Senua or The Last of Us.

buckle up, this will be very long and emotional. First things first: FF7 is my favorite game of all time. The original, to me, is not only the ultimate masterpiece in gaming, but also something that shaped my entire life. With that said, let's go.

This game is beautiful. Everything in it makes me want to cry! Every detail, sound effect and animation. A lot of heart was put into this project and it shows. I absolutely loved the soundtrack. It's a mix between FF7's OST and FFXIII's "modern vibe". It works just fine with the Remake. Every little (and huge) sound in this game is perfect. It oozes high budget. The combat is also great. It's not perfect, but it's the natural and positive evolution of FFXV's. It's challenging and rewarding. Pulling off a good ATB combo makes you feel like a badass. The stagger system can make things hard, but once you figure out what to do, it's fine. Overall, this is the best hybrid I can think of between the Classic TBC and the modern one. The best parts in this game happens when it follows the original. New additions are great, but nothing beats the story when it gets down to business. Everything was incredibly reimagined and it made me tear up more times than it should. Also, thank god for the mini-games and that great DLC!

But the game fails sometimes. If in one side, things are beautiful, on the other, things can get ugly. There is padding everywhere. Unnecessary filler is spread throughout the whole game. This game could easily go past Midgar, if the devs wanted. And I'm not talking about the sidequests. The quests are super nice! I'm reffering to story bits and gameplay pieces that just feel out of place. Many things feel out of place in this game. Which leads me to my biggest disappointment: They changed the ending. I won't spoil things, but basically, Square paved the way to **** with the original story. They might change everything after what they did by the end of the final chapter. Honestly, it breaks my heart. Things just got very convoluted and nonsensical. I was not expecting the EXACT same thing, but I DEFINITELY wasn't expecting whatever happened in the conclusion. I guess I hoped for an upgrade in an already superb story, but what I got was only 70% of that... Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if this was the FULL remake experience.

In the end, this is an incredible remake. Every Final Fantasy fan should play. Actually, every RPG fan should play it! What it does right, it accomplishes wonders. But what it does wrong... Well, here's to hoping that the second part comes soon and fixes the story for the best, because on the gameplay area, the nailed it.

This game doesn't shine like its predecessor, but it's still awesome!

Everything about the first one is here but, while it may feel too similar, it's still fun, charming and challenging as ever. If you are a fan of the first one, you owe it to yourself to continue the adventure. But the game has its share of bad things. Sylvia, for example, is useless. The unlockables aren't as good as the in the first game. Repetition of bosses sucks and there are TOO MANY annoying puzzles.

Like I said, those things prevent it from shining like its predecessor, but if you're a fan of the first one, you'll definitely enjoy this one too.

This game is amazing! Probably one of the best beat 'em ups I've ever played. The action, writing, characters, levels and even the graphics, everything is very over the top and exaggerated. But the best thing is that it just fits perfectly! The gameplay also helps this "anime-feel", since you really need to know what you're doing in order to get to the ending and it's just nice to pull a good tough combo or figure out how to defeat a boss. Also, there are some very good unlockables here!

Few things annoyed me, though. This game is brutal and that's ok, but some parts felt like it was brutal for the sake of being brutal. That "boss gauntlet" is just bad design and what's up with the final episode? Everything in it is just repetitive and tedious. In my opinion, the devs got lazy after the fight with Leo.

Other than that, GREAT game! Play it NOW!

This is not only how I imagined RE1 when I first played it, back when I was a kid, but also better. Everything about it. The mansion, the new surprises, the graphics, the silly/scary story, the atmosphere, combat, unlockables, sound... Absolutely amazing. The only bad things, in my opinion, are the cameras, tank controls and the whole inventory system. It makes for a tense experience, but a dated one, a little.

But don't let that break you. This game is a masterpiece!

This is a very good, but broken game. It has almost everything I love about the franchise, but probably one of the worst gameplay ever. I had no fun playing alone or with somebody. I had no fun with short ranged weapons. And I definitely had no fun with some of the most dated aspects, like the meal part. But there's a lot of heart and charm to this game. Especially when it comes to customization and the gorgeous monster design. Also, this game is great (albeit much slower) when it comes to long range weapons. Good game, but extremely frustrating. Also, why are the hitboxes so punishing??

This is a fun and challenging game, but ultimately flawed. The combat system shines, but gets very repetitive. Also, the camera sucks and the game absolutely needed a dedicated defense or dodge button. The item system is also mess. If you run out of lives, you're basically screwed in some boss fights. Boss fights are good, but nothing really made me care about the characters. Actually, nothing really made me care about the story. I do like the use of the MG franchise here, but it's sad to see such a flawed game as something canon. And the soundtrack is just pure cringe. In the end this can be a fun and challenging game to pass your time, due to the combat being cool, but its flaws makes it hard for me to recommend it to anyone. Even to MGS fans.

This is my 2nd favorite Final Fantasy and this was the 3rd time I've finished it. It's still a classic. Everything about this game is amazing. The story, the battle system, characters and the witty writing. Hard to point out nay flaws. The ost is one of the best in the series and the open world is just amazing. Even the side-quests are very good, albeit too long. I also like the fact that you can beat the game without grinding, as long as you're well equipped and with the right abilities. This game is just perfect and probably one of the best starting points, in case you want to get into the series. Also, the Switch version is alright. Not better than the PS1 version, but it's just fine. There are no bad ways to experiencing this incredible epic.

I wasn't expecting one of the best in the series, but DAMN! This game certainly carries the atmosphere that the first game has, but it fails on so many other things. No Item boxes, frustrating "carry or leave" item design, less space for items, bullet sponge enemies, nonsensical plot (timeline-wise) and unnecessary dull backtracking moments.

What's up with the story? Resident Evil always had a "b-movie" vibe going on, but this is Z-tier anime **** Also, Billy sucks as a character and Rebecca's development in this game is 100% ruined by her original appearance. And I won't even talk about the mansion. It's TOO MUCH alike Spencer's! It shouldn't exist and the game should just take place on the train/forest.

Overall, the only thing that "saves" this game is the classic feeling it packs. Bosses are good, pre-rendered graphics are nice, puzzles are solid and it gets you TENSE as hell! Very weak replay value, though. I can only recommend it for hardcore fans of the series. If you're not, stay away from it.

This is game is the definition of boring. But I'll start with the good things. . Its design basically made walking fun (for the most part). . The soundtrack is pretty. Not great, but it packs a nice punch. . The story is deep and emotional, characters are memorable and everything just feels genuinely original. . Despite its flaws, the story kept me going and curiosity got me hooked, but I couldn't wait to see the end of it. As for the bad things... Well, all the rest. . The gameplay loop starts decent and fun, but ultimately overstays its welcome and becomes overly dull and repetitive. . The story is great and unique, but MY GOD it is convoluted and tiresome! . Why does it need to repeat the same cutscenes and messages again and again? It should skip it automatically. . TOO MANY TUTORIALS! TOO MANY THINGS ON SCREEN! TOO MANY USELESS NEW ITEMS! JUST LET ME *UCKING WALK! . Unrewarding long and unnecessary sidequests. . Bosses are a joke. . From the UI to the information displayed throughout the game, everything just feels... Messy.

Kojima, I still think you're a genius, but you missed the mark with this one, buddy.

This is game is the definition of boring. But I'll start with the good things.
. Its design basically made walking fun (for the most part).
. The soundtrack is pretty. Not great, but it packs a nice punch.
. The story is deep and emotional, characters are memorable and everything just feels genuinely original.
. Despite its flaws, the story kept me going and curiosity got me hooked, but I couldn't wait to see the end of it.

As for the bad things... Well, all the rest.
. The gameplay loop starts decent and fun, but ultimately overstays its welcome and becomes overly dull and repetitive.
. The story is great and unique, but MY GOD it is convoluted and tiresome!
. Why does it need to repeat the same cutscenes and messages again and again? It should skip it automatically.
. Unrewarding long and unnecessary sidequests.
. Bosses are a joke.
. From the UI to the information displayed throughout the game, everything just feels... Messy.

Kojima, I still think you're a genius, but you missed the mark with this one, buddy.

Definitely one of the best JRPGS i've ever played. My nostalgia got hit pretty good. Epic from start to finish, filled with great characters and a compelling story. Not much to complain about this game. I just wish the soundtrack was better used and the enemy variety was bigger. Other than that, this is the best in the franchise.

Control's very unique story, environments, battle system and atmosphere build an incredible game. This is a game that I can easily recommend to any action game fan. Even if you don't pay attention to it's ominous weird story and characters, you'll still get the most out of its gameplay and presentation. AND MY GOD, THE ART DIRECTION HERE IS JAW DROPPING! Control's only mistakes are found in its unforgiving checkpoints, poor performance issues, lack of variety towards the ending and the shallow story conclusion. Nothing game breaking, but I felt like its faults kept it from being epic or even more memorable than it is.

I thought I would enjoy this game more than I did. The game is beautiful and the story is nice, but I can't shake the feeling that everything in it is very clunky and unpolished. The combat and exploration is sort of fun, but I've experienced too many bugs and poor performance issues to actually call it good. And while the story was entertaining and original, the final scene kinda killed the whole purpose of the game. Overrall it's an 'ok' game, with a fine set of characters and planets, but a very messy gameplay. BD-1 is my new favorite droid, though!


This is one of the best first person shooters i've ever played.

It's fast-paced, brutal, beautiful, challenging and filled with character. It's a kick in the face of almost every other modern fps. I can't recommend it enough. Weapon variety is great, enemies are menacing as ever, levels are easy to traverse through and the feeling of finding a well-hidden secret or puling a nice kill, is just unmatched.

Sure, the level design ain't THAT great. There's a lot of repetition going on and the story, well... What story? But its mistakes are minimal.

If you do play it, play it on hard, but becareful! It's tough as hell and its checkpoints are, at times, pretty unforgiven.

Good luck.