An engrossing world full of fantastic characters. The dungeon crawling could stand to be a bit more substantial, but it's fun enough as a link between the dialogue and story. Appreciate how thoughtful and inclusive the writing is. ❤️Sawyer❤️

It's Mike Haggar beating down Mad Gear in 8-bits. Graphics and sound hold to Capcom's mastery over the then-decade old hardware, with gameplay every bit as addictive as on the SNES - with some new moves, too!

This one is disappointing. Not because it isn't good-it is. But there's so little here. The bones of a great game are here, but it needs more moves, enemy variety, and a few more levels. What is here is just... fine.

Better than the original Final Fight in every meaningful way. Fairly basic, as brawlers go by 1993 standards, but enemies, bosses, and stage layouts are a nice challenge, without skimping out on the credits. Final Fight 4 when, Capcom?

Sometimes classics age poorly. This is the case for SNES 'FF'. Sega CD fairs much better, especially for 2Ps. But if you're looking for solo beltscrollin' action, GBA is the definitive experience. Final Fight 4 when, Capcom?

An incredibly thin 1v1 fighter, with a single story mode that takes 15 minutes to beat, and a two player mode. At least Green Ranger and Dragon Zord are in it?

Simplistic beltscrolling brawler with some fun, if easy, boss fights. The music and spritework really elevate what is a shallow experience. But if you enjoy MMPR and brawlers, there's enough to make an enjoyable evening. Only 1P tho.

Fusion's snappy controls with Super's scope and atmosphere, AM2R might just be the best of them. Certainly it has the best visuals, music, and boss fights. An absolute love letter to 2D Metroid. It doesn't get any better than this.

A more linear, combat focused Metroid isn't everyone's cup of tea. While I wish it didn't hold your hand quite so much, it's definitely mine. Snappy controls, challenging bosses, & a spooky atmosphere. Story is pretty mid, tho.

If the controls were tighter, this would be a perfect video game. This is what 16-bit Peak looks like.

If this game ended where the original Metroid ended, it would be easy to heap praise on this game. Unfortunately, the additional level drags down what is otherwise an amazing exploratory platformer.

The same classic Kirby formula, but elevated by great level design, fun power ups, and an optional 100% route for the more challenge minded players. I always like Kirby games, but I don't usually love them. Until this one, anyway.

A lot of ink has been spilled over Tetris. I have nothing to add except that since Nintendo added it to Switch Online, my thoughts have been an endless parade of falling blocks and how best to sort them for a high score. An actual perfect video game.

Cute, breezy fun, with tough lil New Game+ that genuinely took me a few hours to beat. Despite lacking the copy abilities from later games, there's a focus and visual fidelity makes it a high tier GB original. Also the OST is wall-to-wall bops.

This pseudo sequel/reboot to the PS2's legendary Budokai games delivers visually, but falls flat in every other way. Shallow story mode, pace breaking new mechanics, and cut down roster/game modes makes this the least of Dimps' DBZ efforts.