it's alright for a party game. the included arcade roms are very cool though and that's something you don't see in games at all anymore except for like yakuza

two boys running around an island to pull things out of the ground before the other can

this is such a good way to play mario 64 but i couldn't get mario to become low poly mario so this isn't the definitive version

i wish travis touchdown was real so he would put gas in my car for me and mow my yard

i really like facade but having to wait several minutes just to try again after getting kicked out makes me not wanna replay it as much. i've never actually been able to get the best ending to this game but i really hope to one day

one of the best party games i've ever played. nothing will ever even come close to beating this game's multiplayer. get some friends over and play this

my copy of barrel blast has very weirdly discolored box art. like the only colors they had at the factory were blue and pink

it was amazing for its time and it still holds up incredibly well. all made by a single person in 2004 which is awe-inspiring. the original dev doesn't get money when you buy it now on modern platforms so you should instead play the freeware version from it's the best version, anyway. here's my copy with a few excellent mods included like widescreen and better controller support.
the bloodstained sanctuary is so difficult and locking the true ending behind it isn't great for people who don't want the insane challenge. but finally conquering hell was so rewarding that i can't even complain

it's good. this is a great way to experience most of the series in a vacuum. and on a 3ds. a lot of my old favorites are back but some of them did not make the cut (love lab not being here is quite frankly a crime). this game also didn't get the best localization but its good otherwise. i always mash through the dialogue but i do love lumbearjack

the worst in the series by far. it reeks of the same free-to-play trappings that other games have now. so much garbage you have to grind for. even when i was unemployed it took ages. just a miserable experience. a 15hz tick rate in a 2022 video game is just laughable

it kind of suffers from a unique problem of having too much content... like an overwhelming amount. but other than that its a lot of fun

i think even as a kid i only played this for the atmosphere

the first time i ever saw fireworks irl was while i was playing this game

portable mario but in optional jaw dropping 3D and its alright. they really popped off with the easter eggs in this game though with the aliens and ghosts