yeah the one thing i remember about this was me minmaxing the bear's throwing ability and chucking elliot off the cliff as hard as i could

so much of my humor nowadays can be traced back to this game. toilet in wonderland is an excellent showcase of how powerful rpgmaker can be utilized as a program if used to its full potential. Mario has logged in permanently affected me

i can't get into the gameplay of this which is such a shame because i already know this is the best pokemon thing ever put out

being able to retry immediately after a death is so incredibly important for this game to feel as good as it does. the way it encourages you to let loose and have fun and experiment is just great. everything comes together perfectly with the visuals and the music and the heart-pumping gameplay of committing horrific massacres as fast as possible. i do hate the doors in this game

i wanna play it so bad. i know its just a tech demo or whatever with marios running around but i very much wish to run the game in real time and experience it. miyamoto said in an interview in Japan's Playboy Weekly Magazine that players will be able to "feel the 'newness' that was missing from Mario Sunshine," and that newness has been sealed away for over 20 years

i love this game so much. maybe a perfect game. i got everything in 12 days this time


taste my holy wrath, corrupt souls

cute little mario game. some of the catchiest music in any mario. this eventually mutated into something insane with the wario land series. moai heads are also in this game

i played this as a kid and thinking about the garage level with the translucent floors stresses me out even now. probably not even a great game but it was really cool seeing more of the robinson family and you even get to see what characters like stanley and lizzy are up to in the future which is interesting

legendary video game. playing alone is nice and desolate. playing with friends is fun. i love building weird contraptions and statues for everyone to look at

just a beautiful game all around. good happy memories from playing it when i was younger. anyone who ever dogs on this game for being too easy has clearly never gone for 100%

i have so many goddamn hours on this its unreal. its endlessly fun grinding on this even with random people online and helping them get stuff. if you plug in a usb keyboard it makes the chat in this game 10000x times better and also usable. i mostly use alchemy switchaxe but i run a very specific sleep/dps build that nobody in the universe has ever run except for me and i love that

this was like an Airplane Game to me because all i would do is run to the airport and steal one of those big white delta airline planes and fly as high as possible

a lot of the weirdness that i loved from the first game just isn't here. tall mario and amiibo costumes being cut is tragic. it's still mario maker though and its fun. i actually really like using the level editor with my pro controller while in docked mode but i might just be weird