just a beautiful game all around. good happy memories from playing it when i was younger. anyone who ever dogs on this game for being too easy has clearly never gone for 100%

being able to retry immediately after a death is so incredibly important for this game to feel as good as it does. the way it encourages you to let loose and have fun and experiment is just great. everything comes together perfectly with the visuals and the music and the heart-pumping gameplay of committing horrific massacres as fast as possible. i do hate the doors in this game

i wanna play it so bad. i know its just a tech demo or whatever with marios running around but i very much wish to run the game in real time and experience it. miyamoto said in an interview in Japan's Playboy Weekly Magazine that players will be able to "feel the 'newness' that was missing from Mario Sunshine," and that newness has been sealed away for over 20 years

i was actually the first american to ever work on sonic. also i was on mtv cribs and i have 7 Guinness world records, all of which are on the floor leaning against the wall in my awards/Indiana Jones room if you were wondering


taste my holy wrath, corrupt souls

i replay this every year. my yearly life ruining experience

i love this game so much. maybe a perfect game. i got everything in 12 days this time https://imgur.com/a/uu1q4pa

i adored super paper mario when i was little and i still really like it. this is the first game to make me pull out a pen and paper

this is the only crash game i ever played but people say it's bad

one of the best party games i've ever played. nothing will ever even come close to beating this game's multiplayer. get some friends over and play this

a must-have if you own a 3ds

two boys running around an island to pull things out of the ground before the other can

portable mario but in optional jaw dropping 3D and its alright. they really popped off with the easter eggs in this game though with the aliens and ghosts

this is such a good way to play mario 64 but i couldn't get mario to become low poly mario so this isn't the definitive version